Aug 05, 2010 20:31


Click the link above for all of the latest scanlations by the wonderfully amazing group Scarlet Carnival~~ ♥ ♥ ♥

Hello muns. Look at your muse. Now back to these guys. Now back to your muse. Now back to THESE GUYS.

Sadly, almost nobody knows who the hell these guys are.

But if you take the time to sit down and read their canon one of THESE GUYS could be YOUR MUSE.

Or any of the other available guys in Karneval. :D

So let's do a quick run-down. KARNEVAL is an ongoing fantasy manga that takes place in a world that is kind of like some gothic lolita fangirl's wet dream mixed with FLYING SHIPS and ROBOT SHEEP.

Yeah, that's right. Robot sheep.

So anyways there's this organization called CIRCUS and they fly around in ships and stuff and they fight these monster things called Valga. Oh and there's this flying-hamster kid that's looking for his brother/father/maker/god Karoku.

But you don't care about all that, right? What you care about are the GUYS.

... huh? Plot? Oh fuck I don't know, there's a plot? JUST LOOK AT THE GUYS!

First up is Hirato-san~~~ He's Yogi's boss and he's kind of a snarky bastard, but he really has the best intentions at heart! I hope... actually lately in-canon I'm starting to think he's got something nasty up his sleeves. Recently he has been suggesting for Gareki to become a "child of Circus" but won't elaborate on what that means. When Gareki asked Yogi about it Yogi got upset so... I think it's something bad. I don't know really, Hirato is quite a mystery...
He also ties up Gareki-kun in canon and he creepers on Akari-sensei a lot... and he makes Yogi uncomfortable sometimes but everyone makes Yogi uncomfortable. He's pretty much your super-seme type. Plus he has a cool top hat that turns into ghostie girls. *thumbs up*

Doctor Akari I super-duper want~! Mostly because he scares the daylights out of Yogi and it's hilarious~ Even though he looks scary and is pretty harsh he's actually very kind hearted. He can't stand Hirato and often gets into fights with him... at one time they even used Yogi as a mediator, which obviously Yogi was not happy about. Being a doctor he is actually rather nurturing to those around him and he is very honest. He and Hirato are probably the only ones who are aware of Yogi's "condition"... whatever it is. Akari says it's an allergic reaction. I say he's full of it.

Karoku is yet another mystery in Karneval. He is the one who somehow created the main character Nai from Niji cells or... something. I'm not even sure. Anyways he's a genius and an enigma and apparently there are TWO KAROKUS? I don't know. He's PRETTY. He likes NATURE. And he's pretty much ANOTHER CREEPER. Oh and he has this fangirl in-canon called Erishuka and his general reaction to her is pretty much like, "get the fuck out of my face you're annoying". So I like that part about him. 
Also he has expressed interest in meeting Gareki... though probably only because Gareki has made friends with "his special child" Nai.
Yeah, did I mention he's a creeper? Creeeeeeeepeeerrrrr. Still pretty though.

TSUKITACHIIIII is a giant dork. A giant dork that probably has more to him but for now he is just a REALLY GIANT DORK. He seems to know Hirato the best and he's often having to play referee between Hirato and Akari. He is very confident and excitable and well... he's just a really fun character. There's not much else for me to say about him I'm sorry. >:

Jiki is an ass. I'm not even kidding. He is a serious jerk. But I would still love to see him in DV because his jerkiness is what makes him so awesome~ When around Yogi or someone else he doesn't really feel close to or interested in he's perfectly pleasant however when speaking to Gareki or Nai his true nature comes out. Nai he just creepers at actually. Gareki... well, let's just say they do not get along one bit. He has even went so far as to tell Gareki to go home because Gareki is useless to Circus and will only be in the way.
He has a passion for botany though! I think he might have some power over plants. Just recently he revealed that there's something up with his eyesight too but I'm not too sure what that is yet (it was in one of the newer chapters).

And that's the end of the (male) character profiles, but there are OTHERS TOO that I can't find really good pictures for sadly but if you're interested you should really read Karneval!
The art is breath taking and the plot can be confusing at first but the further you get into the series the more it makes sense~ Which is really the best kind of plot, right? It's no fun if you know everything in the beginning!

It's also a very, very funny series with LOADS of fanservice. I'm just waiting for it to be officially announced that Yogi is gay. There is no way in hell that man is straight. There is also no way in hell Gareki is 15. He's walking SEX.

So that's Karneval in a really really small nutshell because I don't feel like sitting here explaining everything.

Instead I will leave you with EYE CANDY~~~

Note: I know what you're thinking, "But Leenaaaaa who is that really short kid in that first picture? He's cute and I might want to play him!"

That is Nai. He's the main character and... you're welcome to play him, after all it's a free internets, but I highly suggest that you DON'T pick him up and put him in Vegas. He is far too young and innocent. And to tell you the truth there are far too many people who pick up and play Nai while there are so many other amazing characters that I never see around LJ. So, yeah, he's been relatively kept out of this pimpage for those reasons. Sorry if you're interested, you should go read the manga~
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