Okay..here we go.
Name: Naomi Miyasaki
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: December 25
Report Card: C
Personal Information
Appearance: Naomi is a average looking girl, who takes great care to keep herself looking nice and clean..though not to the extent of say..Asuka and her group. She's got flawless skin, a result of her aunt being a dermatologist. She dresses somewhat conservatively, but always tends to look cute. Her hair is dark brown, layered to her shoulders and she has dark brown eyes, which always look completely lost in space.
Personality: Naomi is a bubbly girl, and gets along with just about everyone. She's one of the few people that can truly become friends with people from every way of life, due to her completely trusting and unassuming nature. She knows people have flaws, but she looks past them on everyone, and finds the good deep down. Hence the reason she's the unoffical "welcomer" for new people to the school. However, Naomi does have flaws of her own. She's a little too bubbly and obsessive about certain things, such as whatever the latest pop group is, or the latest anime. Her obsessiveness tends to put people off at times.
Friendliness - The girl gets along with everyone...though some of them are just humoring her.
Knowledge - She's not smart. But she does know various completely random facts that can be some good.
Physical Ability - She does Yoga. 'nuff said.
Too trusting - Anyone can take advantage of her.
Unintelligent - She's just not..smart. Not booksmart, not street smart
Asthma - Yeah, that's definitely not cool.
Overnight bag: Naomi packed her makeup, skin creme, two different shirts (A button-up grey one, and a purple t-shirt with a puppy on it), a pair of jeans, and a pair of sweatpants for pajamas. She also brought a couple of boxes of pocky to share with everyone, as well as the basic essentials (i.e. brush, toothbrush, etc)
Student Background & History
Rei Miyasaki - Naomi's mother..just the typical mother, staying at home and taking care of her children.
Shinji Miyasaki- Naomi's father, a worker for the government in a low paying menial job..but hey, it pays the bills.
Gin Miyasaki - This is the girl that just showed up one day, at the age of 8, on the Miyasaki's doorstep. She had been abused by her parents and came to the family looking for help. She was soon adopted after a rather interesting legal struggle, and quickly became part of the family. She loves Naomi as her own little sister (They're two years apart) and the two get along well.
Since this is an NPC, we won't go into too much detail..buuut...She's just the typical girl, with few things that happened in her past that are even noteowrthy. Her life hsa been safe, but dull.
Teacher Observations
Class Behaviour: Naomi is one of the most wonderful people I have ever worked with, even though she's not that intelligent. She has a special way with people, and gets along with everyone in the class- no small feat in itself, given the variety of people in the class. She could use some tutoring in some subjects, especially geography, but her maths scores tend to be higher than expected.
Essentially the entire class. She doesn't have any good friends, but she skirts around everyone's group.
Name: Kyo Habashiro
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: June 8
Report Card: B+
Personal Information
Appearance: Kyo has brown hair, kept slightly spiky. He often dresses in baggy clothes outside of school, with whatever the latest trendy brand logo is on it. He loves to look "gansta"..but with his own personal flair. He doesn't completely follow trends though, as he will often just lounge around in sweatpants and an old t-shirt when the mood strikes.
Personality: He's a rather upbeat kinda guy, though prone to random bouts of depression. He's generally well-liked by the class, and loves music...though it tends to mostly be the local government okay'd stuff. Still, to him, music is music and he'll listen to anything. He's also pretty laid back, but if someone crosses him, then all bets are off. He's also the kind that will do whatever he can to help someone who needs it.
Music - He loves it, knows the power of it. And he's good at both playing it and singing it.
General Attitude - He's laid back, which is a good thing, as few things bother him.
Karate - He's had several years of lessons, though is better at forms than sparring
General Attitude - Sometimes being laid back..isn't so much of a good thing.
Nightmares - No one knows, but Kyo is constantly plagued by nightmares, though there's no real reason for it.
Headache's - Similar to Akemi, he gets headaches when quite stressed. However, he doesn't have the medication to deal with it.
Overnight bag: Several notebooks with song lyrics, as well as the sheet music from the latest piece that he's trying to learn how to play. A school notebook, several pencils, and a calculator. Also a change of clothes (Jeans and a white t-shirt), a ballcap, and various needed things (i.e. toothstuff, comb, etc)
Student Background & History
Misato Habashiro - His mother, and the breadwinner of the family. She works for a design company and makes quite a bit of money..which is good, as there's no other income in the family.
Kaori Tsukamoto - His father's sister, and a freeloader on the family. After Tetsuji left Misato, Kaori moved in to help her "greiving sister-in-law." Not exactly. More like a free ride for food and a place to stay. Misato hates it, but can't get her to leave. Kyo despises his aunt for this.
Again, as this is just an NPC, I'm not going into too much detail. His father left the family when he was 11, and he's lived with his mother and aunt since then. No other really major events in his life, aside from being picked for the (Japanese equivilent of) all-state symphony the year before, for his flute playing.
Teacher Observations
Class Behaviour:
A well rounded student. He gets good grades and tends to get along with people, though there are a few that he doesn't like very much. Still, this hatred rarely surfaces and he is truly a model student.
Eh..none at the moment.