General Information
Name: Akemi Isamu
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: October 28th
Report Card: A
Personal Information
Appearance: Akemi has mid-back length black hair, kept completely straight. She dislikes all hair products, and because of that, her hair is quite healthy and shiny, all natural-like. It's usually pulled back in pigtails,just because it's what her sister did,and since she idolizes Natsumi...yeah. Her eyes are naturally dark brown, nearly black, but she wears contacts that make them green. She's relatively tall, at 5'6", and skinny, but not anorexically so. Her attire tends to be basic jeans and a t-shirt with some condescending phrase on it. Cute and trendy clothes annoy her, so when not in her school uniform she shuns them. She does, however, have an affinity for traditional Japanese garments, and owns two kimonos, worn for special occasions.
Personality: Paranoid. In one word, that is Akemi's personality. She thinks that everyone is after her for something, and that terrible things will happen to her and her friends-- not that she has many, thanks to her distrustful nature. Akemi finds it hard to keep friends, as she tends to freak them out with not only her paranoia, but her intense hatred for the government. However, underneath her rather odd exterior is a very loving and giving person. For the people she does care about, she will do anything at all in her power to make sure they're happy. She's prone to violence, mostly due to her frustration at being ignored and her warnings unheeded.
Intelligence- She can read between the lines, and has the rare combination of being both book smart and street smart.
Fighting skills- Against a highly trained martial artist, or gunman, she doesn't stand a chance. But growing up on the bad side of town gave her street skills, and she will not ever hesitate to kick a groin, or bite anywhere it would hurt. Hair pulling's fun too.
Survival skills- Alone on a mountain for three weeks? No problem! After spending half her childhood at various girl scout-esque camps when not learning on the streets, she knows what berries not to eat, what leaves to stay away from, and how to sanitize water.
Paranoia- Everyone is out to get her. She thinks. It's not to the point of being an actual psychological problem, but it keeps her from trusting people and making friends.
Prone to headaches- Stress hurts her. Literally. During periods of high stress she has to take medicine, or the pain will leave her curled up in a ball, completely useless unless she had her medication.
Whiney and loudmouthed- She hates the government. Every student knows that. So does the government. She's not wanted to win.
Overnight bag: Given her paranoia, for the school trip she worried about Battle Royale. A swiss army knife, along with a bowie knife were put in her bag, and a small shortwave radio. Her laptop as well. And since it's a school trip, a notebook, a sketchpad, plenty of pencils, and a camera. Change of clothes (Jeans and a plain black t-shirt), brush, various "lady things."
Student Background & History
Utsumi Isamu- Akemi's mother. A high school dropout with dreams of being a popstar. That died when Natsumi was born, to a crackhead father. Realizing her dream wasn't going to come true, Utsumi took up a job as a waitress in the bad part of town, where she met Jun, Akemi's father. As time passed, Utsumi saved enough money to move to a better part of town, only to have Natsumi's new class be picked for Battle Royale
Jun Isamu- (deceased) Akemi's father. He graduated at the top of his class, and had planned on going to the best university in Japan until he was found at the wrong place at the wrong time and was busted for dealing cocaine. He was innocent, but spent ten years in jail for it anyway. When he got out, he was friendless and penniless until meeting Utsumi. They got married, and eventually moved. When Natsumi's class was chosen for Battle Royale, he protested and was killed, in front of Utsumi and Akemi.
Natsumi Isamu- (deceased) Despite the poverty of her mother, Natsumi had everything going for her. She looked like a j-pop idol, she was highly intelligent, and she was being considered for a modeling career at the age of 15. More important than that, she was a genuinely nice person. When the family moved, her class was chosen for Battle Royale, and she was among the first killed.
Akemi was born 16 years ago, to Utsumi and Jun Isamu. Her first fourteen years were spent living in the wrong part of town, dodging fights and perverts the entire time. She quickly learned how to fend for herself, but because her family truly loved her, Akemi didn't become jaded, and didn't fall into the life of drugs, sex and illegal rock and roll. Well...perhaps a bit on the last one. She was sent to various charity girl scout-like camps, where she learned basic survival skills in wilderness areas over the summers, and her winters were spent in school, where she was the model student. Good grades, very polite. Not at all what one would expect from a girl from the bad part of town whose family had no money. She did, however, learn to listen to rock music from several of the older boys in the neighborhood, who treated her as a little sister. She kept this fact hidden from her family, not wanting them to get in trouble with the government.
Her entire early childhood was like that, with few things standing out. She had several pet dogs and cats, all strays that she fed from her own dinner plate so they wouldn't starve. A few died, which was rather depressing, but she was an upbeat girl who also idolized her older sister, the beautiful Natsumi. When not playing with her friends down the street, she and her sister and mother would sing pop songs together. It was a happy childhood, despite the terrible living conditions.
That all changed when she was fifteen. Her parents had finally saved up enough money to move into a better part of town, and both Akemi and Natsumi started school. She got along with her class well...until the fateful day when three government agents showed up at her home, telling her that her sister's class had been selected for the "program." Jun wasn't at all happy with this and was murdered in front of Utsumi and Akemi. This was the beginning of Akemi's problems.
Brokenhearted at the death of both Natusmi and Jun, Akemi and her mother moved to yet another city, where they could build a new life. Akemi began school again, but she was different somehow. Paranoid. Rebellious. Not in front of her mother, but in front of her new classmates. She repeatedly warned them about the evils of the government and told them to beware class trips, as that would surely lead to their demise. This didn't earn her many friends.
Teacher Observations
Class Behaviour: Akemi has a definite problem with authority. She doesn't ever disturb class, but there's a rebellious streak in her. She's an intelligent girl, but even after just transfering this year, she is already on my watch list. A girl who doesn't care about fashion, and spends more time with her computer than people? Not good. I understand that her family moved because of some terrible circumstance, but that doesn't giver her an excuse to act anti-social.
Friends/Relationships: (More to possibly come)
Naomi Miyasaki - Perhaps Akemi's first friend at the school. If you can even call it a friendship. Naomi is not a very smart girl, but extremely bubbly and outgoing. When Akemi started at the school a year ago, Naomi quickly introduced her to everyone, doing her part of the unofficial welcomer. Since then, she has often sat with Akemi at lunch, but they never hang out outside of school.
Kyo Habashiro - The boy in class Akemi is madly crushing on. He's smart and popular, and a musician. He doesn't do sports but is a nice guy, and one of the students that will go out of his way to help someone in need. He's never noticed her, but she has hopes that he one day will.
Nao Fuyukyou - One of the girls that Akemi actually gets along with. See
nao_fuyukyou Shizuru Hanazawa - Another of the girls that Akemi gets along with. See
shizuruhanazawa Asuka Akashita - The "queen bee" of the school, whom Akemi despises above anyone else. See