drill random musings

May 13, 2007 16:04

no fanfiction today, just psychobable inspired by spiderman 3, don't worry, no references, no spoilers.

If you want you can think of your fav characters hugging and read this, or whatever.
This is just my random musing and a bit of psychobable

Dakishimete = hold me.

I cling to you, feeling your flesh crushing closer to mine, feeling the void within my soul. Or maybe that void still exists, and, for the moment, we are both trapped inside. To share myself, to share my pain, to give it all to you. I feel mortal right now, more than ever. And yet, I feel safe. If a natural disaster were to swallow us whole this very second, I would be at peace because I'm clinging to you, and know that you are clinging to me too. I can feel it, this feeling I thought could never be reached without the firm hold of another body. Yet it is all so familiar. This yearning, this sense of longing, of being. I've felt it before. It is as though every moment in my life that mattered is pressing upon me. I know this feeling, as a child, I felt it when I was alone, when my mind pondered what little effect my existence could have upon this world. It wasn't a hopeless feeling. No. It was filled with my every desire. I felt it whenever was being scolded, when I would try to tempt fate, when I felt that my existence was being monitored by some being somewhere, and when I felt that no being was watching me and only the wind blowing through my hair was the witness to who I was at that very moment. At this very moment, you are my witness, and I am the witness of you. It is a feeling that transcends time; it is a feeling that travels across all emotions. I know that I cannot put it into words, I cannot name an emotion to describe it. But I can feel that this is what feeling, what living is all about. It makes all of my goals, my personal successes and failures seem meaningless. Right now I am perfect, right now, as you hold me, you are perfect as well. And were you ever not? Was I incomplete before this instant. It makes me realize that none of my worries, my personal trials and tribulations matter at all. All the people in my life, they are what matters the most to me. you matter the most to me. I may be upset with the attitudes of my parents, my friends, my kin, but in the end, I believe, that if I were to die they would hold me like this, they would love me. They already do. I don't have to prove my use, or try to judge how well they understand me. I know that they would hold me if I needed it, but I need to recognize that their hugs, any thing they give me are just as important as this one right now. I need you and you need me, and we have no worries, arm in arm, chest to chest, body against body. I know you love me and I want you to know that I love you too. oh wait, you already do. Yet, I want to share all of this with you; I want for you to feel my void. So lets stand here within it. Sharing our voids. I'll close mine and you'll close yours, and should they ever open again, an embrace will save our souls.

drill psychobable

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