May 10, 2006 20:07
If I could meet the person who invented the evil and stressful times of finals, i would beat the living shit out of them. I'm speaking in anger and frustration but If finals was a tangible thing i could touch, I'd run it over with my car several times and then if they were still alive id make them sit there and memorize 100 definitions for a possible 10 definition test and then prepare to write an essay that must describe the relation of protestant work ethic and capitalism as described by sociologist max weber and also include the difference between cults,denominations, sects, and feminine religions. And after that, write an essay which states what a civil religion is with examples and the related concepts of Rhaner, Weber, and jonestown massacre. And 2 hours to finish.
UGH im so stressed. they say that this is all part of the process, but shit, I feel like its just never going to end. I finish finals tomorrow and start summer session 1 a week later, and then after that I have summer session 2. class from 9:00-12:00 fuckin Craaaaaaaaaaaaazy. but i gotta get it over with.
meh meh meh meh