
Oct 10, 2007 04:37

Allright, I have to do it too...
Backtrace: Too many. Just look into my friends page.

See the following statements. One of them is not true.
Please comment wich one, and please also write why you chose that specific statement.
Comments will remain hidden for 48 hours, then revealed.

1.) I have a strong, physical aversion against the smell of spearmint chewing gum.

2.) I never sucked my thumb as a kid, instead I sucked my index- and middle finger.

3.) I had a steady girlfriend when I was in school and went all four bases with her.

4.) I own a three-phase powered, 600W sex toy.

5.) The taste of caraway seed repulses me so strongly that I can't eat most of the breads in austria.

6. )I have been called and compared with McGyver more than once, by different persons.

7.) As a kid, I hated tomatos. Today, I love them.

8.) I didn't need any glasses up to my 16th birthday. My vision went bad because of an accident.

9.) I met my partner on an adult-themed internet chat.

10.) I am extremely afraid of heights. Changing a lightbulb is a challange.
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