a beautiful year...in a nutshell

May 25, 2005 22:46

It seems like only recently that I was starting my freshman year all excited about my new outlook on life. I had made many resolutions to improve various things about myself. It is only now, when I reminisce upon the experiences I have had this year, that I can muse over the growth I have made as a person.

It was comforting to be the oldest at Hendrix, surrounded by people I’d been with for a substantial period of time. Although the “older” and “cooler” ninth graders from the previous year were gone, it was our turn to leave our marks at the junior high. I was oftentimes teased for technically being in high school, but still going to school in the company of seventh graders. In spite of this, I felt special to be able to connect with everyone. The year started out kind of slow, but I soon started to get involved in more activities. I took part in new things like the tennis team and speech and debate. Tennis really opened me up, and I felt more comfortable just being silly at school. Speech and debate gave me the opportunity to be at the real high school and bond with sophomores/juniors/seniors. The first semester was very rewarding, and upon embarking on winter break, I took with me newfound knowledge.

The second semester came and went in the snap of a finger. From my birthday, regionals, speech and debate tournaments, to the orchestra trip and starting private lessons with a new teacher/testing out numerous violins, everything seemed like a blur. I got to know a lot of people that I hadn’t necessarily taken the time to become acquainted with. As the year passed, I became progressively better at just being myself, and not compromising who I was for the sake of “looking good” in someone else’s eyes. I slowly gained confidence in my actions, and firmness in my convictions. I think I grew spiritually as well, and developed a sense of self-discipline.

This year, I was able to observe the people around me. I saw so much talent, so much dedication, and so much sheer persistence. It really opened my eyes to a whole new world; one where the results of relentless effort could be seen. This provided motivation and inspiration for me to set goals for myself and strive to achieve them.

I will cherish the many memories that I have had this year…each and every memory with each and every person in my life. Without the listening ears, encouraging words, and helping hands, I would have been lost.

When I needed someone to talk to, vent to, seek advice from, laugh, cry, argue, sit quietly, or simply have fun with, I was never left alone.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone, and I mean everyone, for enriching my life with your wisdom!
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