Apr 23, 2009 19:46
I've been fighting a sore throat since the weekend that I had originally chalked up to allergies, but now I suspect was in fact a little cold. Last night it degenerated into cough that kept me up all night. I've been home all day resting and sucking down Dayquil (Nyquil on standby for tonight) and mega-dosing on vitamin C. I went to Jamba Juice a little while ago and got a Coldbuster smoothie which I hope helps.
I gotta get on a plane to Tahiti tomorrow and I can't have a cold! I am fully packed and ready to go, however. I just need to change the litter box, take all the trash to the dumpster, clean the kitchen and put fresh sheets on the bed in the morning before I leave. I'll be good to go after that.