My newest partner in crime is
brassenaurian. I may be The Master of Angst, but Brassenaurian's right behind me. So I contacted him (her?). We shall have T-shirts made or something. And a cool club name. Or something. Or a fanfic. Yeeeeah, a fanfic. With angst pouring out of it in droves. I can see it now...The Angst Avengers...The Sad Squad....okay...nevermind then. Brassenaurian'll have to think up a name.
But seriously, I should write a thingy on us. I a story, except drabbly. Make it a mini-series that I can do in five minutes. Like this:
Darkness covered the streets. Darkness always covered the streets because Akebo had blotted out the sun a long time ago to suit his...evil needs. I mean, people were cranky because the sun wasn't out and they missed all their functions. But too bad for them, because he already did it. Anyways...darkness covered the streets. Loud typing could be heard from one of the small, worn down buildings in downtown New York.
"It is finished! At last, it is finished!" Brassenaurian chanted, holding up a piece of paper. Akebo cocked an eyebrow from somewhere in the darkness. Since Brassenaurian couldn't really see him, it made no difference.
"What is?" Akebo asked, walking over to the only light in the room--a dimmed out bulb hanging on the ceiling. It cast a small light to work in.
"The new angst story." Brassenaurian said proudly. Akebo snatched the piece of paper and read it.
"Uh...huh. Add more rape, more blood, and more tears, and we have ourselves a story!" The two figures cackled into the night, until the police came and took Akebo away for excessive and illegal use of angst. Apparantly, more people committed suicide after reading his stories. His reply: "It's not my damn problem."
Or something to that extent. I dunno. A comedic angst piece. Strange, but not unheard of.