If you haven't watched it, please do so. Whether you are a liberal or a conservative, whether you like Obama or not, it is worth watching. You won't see many speeches like this in your life.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWe7wTVbLUU He faces the issue. He lays out the reality of both sides of it. He does not go for the cheap easy wins. He poses it as a real problem that will need real work over a long time. In short, he does what everyone bitches politicians do not. He gives it time, thought, and understanding. It wasn't about a sound bite. It wasn't about a quick win.
It just once again reinforces my admiration of him as not only a candidate but as a person. I'm not one of the raving fans that think he can do no wrong. But he is by far the best political candidate I have seen in my voting life. His message is consistently about hope, unity, and working for real solutions to real problems.
So once again, if you have not seen it, please watch it. Regardless of the campaign, it is just a great speech by itself.