I didn't sign up for this. Oh wait. I guess I did.

Jun 13, 2008 23:06

I'm sad to see you go, but you'll never really be gone I suppose.

Today I thought of a lot of things I could have done differently to change the way things end[ed] up.

It's shitty to thinking of things to change in the past to better benefit a current state.

But at least you can.

It's even shittier to try and think of something in your past that would have altered the present to your liking then realize nothing you could have done could have helped things stick the way they were, mostly because it was nothing you did but affected you. Thus leaving you defenseless in a stampede of numerous things you didn't agree with.

Super Power of Choice
Major: Mind Control/ Comprehension.
Minor: Homo sapien Obliteration.
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