Oct 08, 2012 08:52
As some of you are aware 2 weeks ago I ended my first long term relationship. I ended it as I was no longer in love with the woman. I had tried to leave twice before, the first time I even managed to move most of my stuff out before she pulled me aside and talked with me and reminded me of all the good times, and I ended up agreeing to stay and sort things out. The second time I tried see ended up in tears started to hyper-ventilate and I ended up staying again as I could not leave her in that state.
I ended up leaving and depending on how you view things it was either the right way or the wrong way, I waited till she had gone to work and then moved out. I left her a note saying why I did what I did but since then I have had a steady stream of texts some of them not very nice, and then yesterday she turned up at my door.
To say she was angry is an understatement, she still wanted to know why and I gave her the reasons, she then gave me a letter and asked that I read it which I did. It was three sides long and in it she asked why and how I could be so sneaky and hurt her and her family. The part of the letter which really got to me was the bit about her son. In it she put that she had had to seek advice as he now has massive insecurity issues, will not eat, and go to bed or the toilet by himself and keeps asking for me, and then finished it by asking what happened to the man she fell in love with to make things a little weird she then signed the letter “With lots of love”.
She then turned up 20 minutes later with the last of my stuff and shouted out “Have a nice life” but in a very spiteful manner.
At this point I’m hoping that she will now just leave me along now that she has seen me face to face and gotten things off her chest and we can both just get on with our lives.