Right now I'm all gung-ho for RO so I'll probably spam my journal with nothing but RO stuff.
Damn, that game is addictive. I'm never going to be able to quit it.
Anyhow, the other day I was playing Ragnarök Online with my harem party and did the mistake of telling them "Sometimes I dislike being an acolyte because I get harassed with HEAL PLZ!!1!/BUFF PLZ!11! all the time :c" which prompted an annoying PLZ spam-fest from my party.
Thank you guys, you're awful. That's why I love you. ♥
That day we had plenty of funtiems. I can't wait for summer vacations so we can level up more so we stop being lame 1-1 jobs :P
Just for the record I play at official iRO at the free Yggdrasil server in case anyone happens to play there ^_^