FIC | No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Sep 21, 2009 14:34

the last (3/3) of your 3rd day of christmas,

Title: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
Author: akaxiah
Rating: G
Prompt: "eine kleine nachtmusik" (290 or 308 words.)
Pairing: Minsu

Summary: A little night music. (not what you'd expect)

Changmin was well into his book when he hears a crash inside Junsu's room. He would have ignored it, but his other hyungs were out partying somewhere (why they really loved crowded, over-noisy places was beyond Changmin. They had their fair share of dim places with strobe lights and dancing/being worshipped/flirting during concerts already).

He gives an impatient sigh, marks the book and walks through the open door. He begins, "I can't believe you can still be so noisy even while you're asleep -"

The sight makes him pause, would have made him laugh were it not for the look in his hyung's face. The older male was on the floor, sort of half-sitting, an elbow keeping his torso up. The blanket tangled around his limbs, even half-covered his head, but Junsu made no move to extricate himself from the sheet. Instead, he was looking around manically, eyes focusing and unfocusing, brows knitted together. He could have looked menacing, if it weren't for the trembling lips. And boy, could his lips tremble.

Shaking himself out of narrating to himself how the other boy looked right now, he hurries to half-squat, half-kneel before his hyung, and slides the corner of the blanket from the un-styled bed-hair. Junsu snaps to attention -- "Changmin! Changmin, stay with me", his huskier-than-normal bedroom voice rings out hurriedly.

Changmin's logical, snarky side couldn't stop his detestable mushy side fast enough - "Sure. Forever, if you want."

This makes Junsu wake up fully, back stiffening, "Oh. No need. I don't want to get old early from your sadistic tendencies."

A tic immediately starts in Changmin's left eye. He grabs a large part of the free sheet on the floor, and proceeds to pull it over Junsu's face.

(later on, as he was starting on a new chapter, he wonders where junsu picked up 'sadistic tendencies')

minsu, fic

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