(no subject)

Jul 22, 2008 23:11

Tooomorrow we will be watching Black and White in Color, a 70's film about French colonies in West Africa during WWI. It's apparently a comedy. I am greatly looking forward to this. Last class we watched Gallipoli but I only caught the hindquarters because my appointment was inconveniently timed. I'll need to find it before the weeks over or else I'll basically fail schoolz.

Tooodaaay I took Bunny outside for the second time ever. It was hot as balls out though. She was really good and ran back and forth all cute like. She ended up lounging under some bushes though right when I was getting ready to go back in so I had to fan-dangle her out of there. Next time I'll take her out at a more reasonable time and temperature so that she can play longer. She was out there for 45 minutes though, that's pretty good.

I realized I'm idling here. Other than working on school stuff I've got little else to do. The two classes are pretty limited in their population; making friends is harder than predicted. I'm out of novelty. I'm just itching for fall semester. It's going to be boss - yes, boss. Me and Eber will do lunch and we will hang out at his dorm. The truly awesome thing is that he is staying about two doors down from where Taylor had been staying. That means I'm more comfortable with Eber's new territory than he is on the home front. Pretty sweet. That's right Eber, I already know how to sneak in behind someone and sneak up the stairs to your room. HAHAHA. Beware.

It will be totally fabulous. I'm going to have friends. Yeah, that sounds totally lame but I cannot wait to ingratiate myself with the huge number of people Eber will inevitably have around him. I'm optimistic right now. And sometime in August we're going to a pride meeting or something.

film, bunnies, school, eber

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