a stain that never comes off the sheets (clean me off)

Apr 21, 2008 00:05

IDK, that MCR line always makes me think of period blood getting on your sheets.

So I went to Chicago to see MCR at the Congress Theater. They performed two nights in a row, we went to the first night. It has been my understanding that a certain someone to whom I no longer speak didn't go. Well - I hope I'm not the reason she missed THE BEST SHOW EVER. But hey, she probably would've gotten punched again anyway.

I'm so officially over flying places. It's so tedious. You have to pack, go through security, take off your shoes, put them back on, wait for your flight with a bunch of smelly old ladies who have nothing better to do than stand up, turn their back on you so that her butt is in your face and fart (twice.) Not cool. Mom and the sibs are apparently on a travelling high and feel all worldly and stuff so they want to fly everywhere now.

This time on the plane I was lucky enough to not be stuck next to some dude who tells you his life story (if I recall correctly: "Ah, you're 16? My wife was 16 when I married her." "Sometimes I just want to kil myself with this divorce going on.") I'm just too polite to tell people to fuck off. Anyway, I was actually stuck between Alia and Alex most of the time but I dealt nicely, I think. No murder. Even some laughs.

Palmer's Hilton hotel. Beautiful hotel, disappointing room. The beds were like twin sized. They were adequately comfortable, though.

There was a lovely magnifying mirror so that I could prod my pores and squeeze blackheads obsessively for over and hour while everyone was asleep. I officially need one of my own so I can pick my face properly.

I would never wish my brother and mother's flatulence on anyone.

Also, what sort of place charges for internet access? I know, I know. The classy places. If I knew this shit was going to be my lot I would go to the motel down the street because at least they have free internet and a microfridge.

Oh, and it was certainly interesting to see all the like doormen who were black and had funny hats on. It reminded me of Lolita.

Apparently normal people use cabs in Chicago. Or walk places. I found this quite foreign. I liked being able to walk to Barnes and Noble though.  It got a little old after a while cause if you don't know where you're going or slow down while you're walking you get run over my angry pedestrians. Oh, and I've never crossed the road so many times. Crosswalks and shit are just crazy. It was like you think you're going to get hit but you're totally not. The only crosswalks I ever have to use in normal life is at UNCC and those are pretty questionable. Mom says they just recently put traffic lights around them because the pedestrians did whatever they wanted (they still do).

Somehow everytime we used a cab (a whole lot even though we rented a car - we never actually used the car except to get from the airport to the hotel nd vice versa) I got to sit upfront with the possibly homocidal cab drivers. It was fun. Also we got stuck riding the bus at one point which is my first time ever. It was amusing just because the bus driver kept trapping taxis between cars and blocking them. Good fun.

I now have a better understanding of downtown Chicago than I do of Charlotte.

Consisted of going to McDonalds, Jimmy Johns and this pub that was unimpressive on many levels. The guys at Jimmy John's were very nice and helpful and a tiny bit weird. We were eating and they were apparently confering behind the counter and then bombarded us with advice about where to go and how to get there.

The first encounter was when we stopped for snacks because the alleged 30 minute drive from the airport to the hotel turned quickly into a 3 hour tour of PLACES WE DON'T WANT TO BE. He was schizophrenic and we didn't give him money, though I figure out of all the people we ended up donating to he probably should've been the one to get some help.

Then there was the guy in the McDonalds who sweet talked Alia about her pink hair and eventually got like 5 bucks from mom (not because she's stupid about feedng the homeless, she's just a kind soul). Later when mom was eating and getting vaguely pissed about having given him money I explained to her that she did a good deed and god would sort the liars out later (dad also told her this when we got home in order to calm her and inadvertantly back up my profound wisdom).

The next day were were walking down the street and this guy was sitting on a corner drawing. His sign claimed that he was a homless vet and artist. I handed Alex 20 bucks to put in his cup because I liked that his sign said "Have a nice day" and not "God bless". Alia nearly freaked and yelled at Alex about it until I told her that it was my 20. That shut ya up didnt it, bitch? :D

That night when we were on our way to the Unimpressive Pub this black lady with startlingly few teeth stopped us with the opening line "I'm sorry, I'm black." I told her it wasn't her fault and mom apologized for being white but I'm not sure how amused she was at that. She went on this long winded this about how she needed buss fare for her ungodly amount of children and even cried a little. Mom gave her 10 dollars and once again sat on her good deed and expressed how pissed she was that she gave her money because she was just a crack whore. I repeated my wisdom from the days before.

Day of the concert. Wake up at 830 while Alia bitches that WE NEED TO GET TO THE VENUE RIGHT FUCKING NOW TO GET IN LINE OR ELSE WE WILL BE LAST AND OUR LIVES WITH BE DOOMED AND OTHER BAD STUFF. We're like STFU and go to mcdonalds and eventually arrive at the venue at about 1030.

Lo and behold, LOL, Alia was right. We should've arrived earlier. I honestly didn't think anyone would get there earlier than 10 but apparently I was wrong. It wasn't a huge line, probably 50 people (im bad at estimating though). So we set up camp and prepared to sit for 10 hours (it was my understanding that MCR when on at around 8, I wasn't sure when doors opened).

We make friends with these two 8th grade polish american girls who were adorable and emoish. One was Agnes (she went by Annie) and the other was some crazy shit like Yosinia (I don't remember what she went by). They come in handy later.

So since everything is close by and the wait was going to be long me alia and alex left to find a bathroom (found at walgreens and mcdonalds) and stock up on supplies (drinks and stuff, though we considered getting something fun like chalk since the people infront of us had already gone to walgreens to get baloon animal kits and the MCRmy - you know, the crazy fans who get in line first no matter what - was playing twister at the front of the line)..

We ended up going to the pet store across the street and OMGCUTEANIMALS. They had bunnnniiieeesss and guineapigs and other small rodents and three cats (who sort of young ones, they looked like midgetcats in proportion). They had some giant fish and they had little ones too. A suicidal one that jumped out of its aquarium freaked me and alex out. I apparently jumped out right when I turned around but when I went to touch it it didn't move so I thought it was dead but then it started squirming and I'm usually good in those situations but the hispanic lady who was working there just came by scooped him up and threw him back in. Since then the thought of being that fish has really suffocated me. What a horrible helpless position to be in...

Oh, and they had snakes and lizards and frogs and some sort of mini dragon and tarantulas. We didn't buy anything mostly because we don't support petstores except by going in a looking at all the cute aminals)

Anyway we spent so much time at the pet store that by the time we got back (around 3ish) some mean bouncer type security guys were making everyone stand up in pairs and pretty much tricking us into thinking we were about to get let in (we still had 2 hours). Around this time there had been a huge tourbus parked right in front of us but we all figured it wasn't MCR. Sure enough it wa because we saw Bob and Ray and Frank sneak out of it and around back. Some saw Gerard but I just saw Ray. And Bob kept coming back outside but no one noticed him so it was really funny. I mean, me alia and alex and mom were staring at him but no one else was.

Get into the venue. BUt THEN. The security is like "If you have a bag you have to go check it." and pointed to stairs on the side. THAT MEANS, my friends - if you don't understand - that people with bags were at a severe disadvantage to getting up front on the floor. Of course this angers everyone. Plus me and Alia who foolishly brought our messenger bags - AND FOR THE RECORD PPL, if you don't expect mcr fans to be carrying messenger bags then you're an idiot. They should've warned us before hand, especially because it was 3 dollars to get your shit checked.

I assured mom and Alex that they should go ahead and get as close as possible, not to worry about me and Alia. So they got to the front of where they were holding people back from running onto the floor.

This stressed Alia out (and me, tbh). It stressed her our more than me because A)I'm a calm, practical person and B)I've already seen MCR 3 times before then and I was on the barrier the last time.  I assured her she shouldn't worry.

By the time we were up to get out stuff checked the two guys manning the booth were stressed and being harrassed by a bunch of emo kids. It had been my intention at one point to bitch as well, but then I saw they had a tip jar (with nothing in it, of course). So I went the opposite direction and stuck 10 bucks in it. The guy smiled and said he would take care of me. It's good to have friends in certain places. Alia was rightfully awed and impressed by my genius.

This was expectedly rough for some people, though not us. We still ended up at the back of the crowd that was being held back, but once they let the crowd go nothing is set in stone. It may surprise some people but I'm really fast inspite of my ya know, fatitude. However, while I didn't fall down, some old bitches pulled me down when they did. I thought I was like breaking her leg or something because she was screaming bloody murder but it turned out that I just landed on a step (I have a bruised ass for that one). Alia (who had been holding my hand up until that point) was all turning around in panic to help me up (and get her hoodie which fell. I choose to think that she was more concerned with me than the hoodie so I appreciate everyone sticking to that story) and I was all GO GO JUST GET TO THE FRONT. So she turned and ran and I was really right behind her.

She was in front of me and I had to kind of have one hand in the air and one arm around her waist the way we were all crammed in. There were about 3 heads in front of Alia's which, when taking into account how far apart normal people tend to stand is really like only like being behind one person. Though we were separated from mom and Alex we found out later that they did indeed get to the barrier.

After a few moments security had to walk through so I ended up being behind another person. I was still holding onto Alia but ya know, that was pretty upsetting.

In spite of the awesome place I had, my pants were ONCE AGAIN around my ankles (perhaps I should have worn different pants since last time I was in that situation those pants had failed to remain around my waist) and I was having issues breathing in the hot air. I absolutely hate breathing in warm air from bodies and stuff. No on smelled bad but I just have serious issues with that so I began contemplating leaving the pit.

Of course I didn't expect it to be comfortable but I hadn't quite accounted for what it would be like to be in the pit but not quite on the barrier. When on the barrier you actually get fresh air. My head also kept getting stuck in this girl's long frizzy hair. This poor short girl was stuck up beside me and she was looking in serious pain and eventually I realized that this douchebag was elbowing her in the neck and I asked her "Is that guy elbowing you in the neck!?" and she nodded and ws clearly suffering so after a moment I yelled at the guy to stop elbowing her. He looked annoyed but shifted. She thanked me. IDK, I just like to look out for people, what can I say?

At some point though, knowing that there were still 2 bands to go on before MCR, I squeezed my way out of the pit. I was just NOT feeling being a sardine. Especially when I wasn't familiar with the bands (we were on David Costa, then there would be Drive By and then Billy Talent). So I left. Luckily I realized that hey, this venue is really small. You'd be hard pressed to find a bad spot so I was pretty comfortable with leaving. I wasn't able to warn Alia though. I was afraid if I distracted her she'd get displaced.

So I go to get my bag to get money so I can get a drink. I figure I'll get some merch.

Who is selling merch? None other than heychris. This is vaguely amazing because me and Alia had been babbling about seeing Eliza Cuts around town and how awesome that would be. So I went up to buy the Mikey Fuckin Way shirt and I was like "I don't want to be weird but could I take a picture with you?" and he was all sweet and apologetic and said that he would but his boss (points to the guy next to him) would kill him. So the guy was all "Why ya pointing at me?" and Chris was like "She just wanted a picture with me" and they guy offered to take the picture which was awesome so I had a cellphone picture with heychris and I nearly shat myself, really.

Unfortunately I then realized that my phone fucked it up and the picture wouldn't load. That was upsetting but I didn't want to go back up to him and bother him so I figured I'd try and get a picture with him later when Alia would most definitely want one.

So I end up on the balcony and I'm right on a tiny little barrier thing that separated from the VIP section. There were like three people there and none of them looked famous. I sat down next to these two girls who had been in line with us and proceeded to wait impatiently for MCR to go on. At one point I realized that BOB WAS STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME OMG. Again, no one noticed. I'm like wtf, guys. I didn't say anything though cause the security guard who made sure us commoners dont go into the VIP section was looking stressed enough.

Note To MCR: I dont care how much you like your opening acts, 2 hours of them performing is TOO MUCH. Half way though Billy Talent's set I was thinking "Woah, this set has gone on like 2 songs too long." it then proceeded to go on for about another half an hour.

I spent this time trying to keep an eye on Alia from the balcony, afraid she'd wuss out and end up being taken out of the pit. Since we had been separated from mom and Alex, I would have to be the one to find her in such a situation.

Finally they went on and I find I have nothing much to say about it.

It was amazing. It was a religious experience. It was the best I'd ever seen them. It was so good I feel sick just thinking about it. To think that I was so unexcited since we got the tickets. If I only knew how much I'd enjoy the concert I would've been dying the whole time leading up to it.

This was the first time I'd seen Mikey play and he was soooo into it. At one point Ray like got up on the barrier and was touching people and stuff. Gerard looked surprisingly fabulous. He was all talking about cowboys and stuff. He has such a talent at being manly and homo at the same time.I won't lie - this show was fucking sexy.

The set list was fabulous. I wish there had been more from Bullets (they did headfirst for halos and an interesting slow version of a portion of vampires) but how could I complain when they played both Kill All Your Friends AND Heaven Help Us? Thems is my jamz, okay. Oh, and it was the first time I'd heard Hang Em High and I Never Told You What I Do For A Living live and that just made me wet myself because those are my two favorite songs from three cheers.

It makes me want to get an MCR inspired tattoo. If only there were such a design that could make me feel the way I feel when I'm at an MCR show.

I lost my cellphone during Sleep.

Very upsetting.

The security guard was very helpful but it was no go. :(

However many hours later and the show is over.

I'm standing on the grand stair case looking down for Alia, mom and Alex. I find Alia first. She comes up to me and is all excited and she apparently got to be on the barrier. I told her heychris was selling merch and that added all sorts of excitement to the mix.

We go to get our bags and money. She gets in line for merch, I go to find a bathroom. Mom and Alex sit and wait for us.

I return to find the fam after an unsuccessful bathroom trip (wouldn't let anyone in - very inconvenient, I thought I was bleeding profusely from my vagina). They aren't where I left them. I'm already palm foreheading. If they went outside...

I see them outside. They see me as I get closer. Alia is in tears, mom and alex look panicky. They scream:


"Be able to get back in. NO SHIT."

So I'm just looking at these idiots because now they won't be able to meet heychris or get merch. Mom is upset with Alia and Alia is FREAKING THE FUCK OUT. She's crying and yelling and mom's holding onto her, presumably so she doesn't run off.

Mom is confused during this. I calmly tell her to give me her cellphone and tell the sibs to give me money. Mom's looking indignant and confused and I repeat


So they throw money at me and mom reluctantly gives me her cellphone. At this point I figure I'm going to just try and get a picture with heychris on that cellphone since my phone is gone forever, and besides, it didn't take in the first place.

I tell them to stay put cause it could be an hour, judging by the line.

So I'm in line. It's not really a line - if you've been to a concert and gone to buy merch you know it's more of a swarm of people than a line.

I think to myself: Josie, we're in Chicago. Heychris is right there in front of me. Alia's outside being pathetic. She deserves to meet Heychris. I need to ask him to come out and take a picture with Alia.

I decide that indeed, I shall try to get him to come outside for me.

So I'm waiting and this guy comes through who works there. He says that MCR is outside signing stuff. Now I've got an issue - either I believe this guy and go outside, forgoing merch and heychris. Or, I assume this guy is trying to get people to leave the venue since they're trying to close. I decide to assume this guy is a lying bastardhole. (Later I told mom my delimna and she said she was glad I thought of that because she might've just run off to meet mcr if she were me).

I shimmy my way to the outside of the swarm because I realize if I'm going to proposition heychris, there must not be many people around.

Finally I get up. It goes something like this:

"I need a medium Mikey Fuckin Way and a Large T.ORO."

"We're out of mediums..."

"That's fine grab me a large whatever my family's flown up here from north carolina and my sister - "

"I'm sorry? What?"

"My family's flown up here from north carolina to see this show and my sister ran out of the venue and they wont let her back in and she's really upset because she loves you more than she loves mcr and she wanted to take a picture with you if you we wait for you to finish will you come out and take a picture with her? *hands over the 40 dollars and 10 dollar tip*"

And he was all smiling halfway through that and he was all like yeah sure and he was really sweet so I waited for him.

When people were clearing out the security guard who had helped me try to find my phone came up to me and asked if I had asked if they'd found it and I said no, who do I ask? and he took me over to this one guy and he said no, no one had turned it in. So we walk back to where I was waiting for heychris. At that point he was done so he said to his boss guy "Listen, I'm going to pee and then I need to go out for this girl."

So he ran by me, told me to wait and he'd be out in a second. The security guard, who'd been standing there, was all wide eyed and said "Oh, you're with him?" To which I very suavely replied "Not with him, he's just... doing me a favor." Lol, very slick. I felt all cool.

Heychris comes out and walks with me out of the venue and he's chatting with me and being totally sweet and personable and everything and when we get out I look around for Alia and lead Chris over looking all proud of myself. I said "Hey, Alia, look what I found." And she was in total shock at how awesome a sister I am for doing that.

He talked to us and he was nice and he took a picture with us - we had to use Annie From Earlier's camera (which was wrapped in a knot on her belt loop). Chris tried to untangle it but it wasn't working so we all just had to deal with posing in front of her crotch.

I cannot emphasize how sweet he was. It didn't occur to me until afterwards that he might haven been an asshole IRL but IDK, there was just no doubt in my mind he was sweet. He's actually sweeter in real life than he seems to be in his videos.

Heychris is in the middle, then Alia then Me. Alex somehow popped in one heychris's other side.

mcr, concert, heychris, chicago

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