Get Ready for My Random Thoughts!

Jan 11, 2013 14:30

Well, hello there! This is the third blog I have and still, I think I'm not really into blog-writing.

This blog will be filled with my random thoughts and interests. For now, I'm really obsessed with Maotsujun things, and Arashi as well. Beside those two, I'm a huge PC-games addict (you can touch me with this topic and I won't stop talking, believe me lol), and I'm also a loyal supporter of Manchester United.

And well, the numerous rumors about Maotsujun have really driven me crazy lately. I can't even concentrate at school lol. The whole mysteries seem like ready to be opened and I hope it will happen soon. Because I don't think I could be as patient as everyone else in LSS. God, they are indeed a bunch of super patient shippers. But, patience will turn gold maybe haha. I can only hope and pray for Maotsujun now a mount of fanfics (I am really into fics now ;p) Ah maybe you can tell me the best fanfics about Maotsujun, I'll read them right away hehe.

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