Akatsuki = Male harem, bb <3

Jul 05, 2009 15:14

Name: Sandwich
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Location: Pacific Northwest
Horoscope sign: Leo

Stamped as: Kisame
Link to application (if you can find it): It’s here. Damn, is that really from two years ago? Old application is oldddd. D8
Do you agree with your stamp? Why? Yes, I agree with the stamp. We're both fairly kind, level headed, know when to give people space, I think before I act, and I love sharks. XD

What is the best aspect of your personality? My kind and understanding personality.
What is the worst aspect of your personality? I tend to give up on things too easily.
Define yourself in five words or less: Shy, caring, creative, laughter, crazy.
What do you feel is the most important part of a strong relationship? Trust. If you and your partner don’t trust each other, you two aren’t going to get very far.
How would you define LOVE? In my opinion there’s no one way to truly define what love is.
Pick-up lines: cheesy or charming? Cheesy, to me it would make the person look pathetic and/or desperate more than anything else.
Who would you prefer die first, you or your significant other? This is hard to answer! D8 Hm, I think what I’d want is that if either of us were going to die before the other, that the time between one partner dying and then the other one dying isn’t very long, so the partner still living wouldn’t have to suffer for too long.
If you were in a dangerous or problematic situation, would you want or expect your significant other to come to your rescue? As in “Knight in shining armor?” Hell no. I don’t want them “coming to my rescue”. Sure, I’d love it if they helped me out, but I do not want them totally saving me from whatever dangerous situation I’m in. I'd prefer us to work together to solve the problem, and not just them doing it all for me.

What is your gender preference for a significant other? Male.
What traits do you look for in a significant other? They can make me laugh, they're open-minded, mature, caring, gentle, well mannered, appreciates silence, knows how to share, arrives to things on time, can hold an intersting conversation for a long time
List three major turn-ons: Kind smile, honesty, humor
List three major turn-offs: Immaturity, no hygiene, dishonesty
Describe your ideal date: I have so specific ideal date except ones where we really get to know each other and have fun while doing so.

Brains or Looks? Brains. Looks are always a nice plus, but I’d prefer a smarter person with maybe not as great looks as somewhat who’s “hot” and has no brains at all.
Money or Personality? A little bit of both, but primarily personality. Money isn’t everything although it’s nice to have, but I’d prefer someone with more personality than money.
Love or Sex? Love. I could never be in a relationship just for sex.
Commitment or Freedom? Freedom. We don’t have to be together, doing everything together all the time.
Closeness or Distance? Closeness, but not so close its suffocating.
Dominance or Submissiveness? Is this for me or my partner? Either way, I’d actually want us to be equal, with neither of us being more dominant or submissive than the other.
Passion or Apathy? Passion please. <3

Is there any Akatsuki member with whom you feel you are not compatible? Why? Tobi/Madara. The Tobi persona of Madara would annoy me to no end because most immature, silly, loudmouths turn me off romantically. Madara as a whole I believe I wouldn’t get along with because he’s so deceptive.

Please indicate the open applications on which you have voted (links):

theme:matchmaking, [unstamped]

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