Akatsuki = male harem

Dec 16, 2007 12:34

Name: Guia.
Age: 16.
Gender: F.
Horoscope sign: Aries.

Likes: adventure, anime, doujinshi, food, fun, games (DS, online, RPGs, and the like), koalas, manga, Naruto Shippuden, nature, Teppen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Dislikes: immature people, the color yellow
Hobbies: computer, drawing, reading, watching nature
Favorite quote/saying/lyric: ikuze 3-2-1 MAKE SOME NOISE!

Mature or immature? mature.
Impulsive or cautious? impulsive.
Rude or polite? both.
Outgoing or shy? outgoing.
Your weaknesses? i tend to get laaaazy.
Your strengths? i can come up with good ideas for stories, like my doujin.

Favorite food? spaghetti / chicken curry.
Favorite drink? water / Venti vanilla cream Frappuccino (Starbucks)
Favorite character in Naruto? (aww, only 1?) Gaara.
Most admired character in Naruto and why? Gaara. I can clearly see his attitude change. Plus, he's adorable.
Favorite Akatsuki member? Deidara.

Play any instruments? ...nossur.
Any aim in life? To make my very own manga / TV series / game.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I want an IQ like Shikamaru's.
If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be? Restore the ozone layer. I mean, we've got only 10 more years to save it... or so I've heard.

How did you discover this rating community? I was browsing around my friend's FRIENDS ENTRIES and I saw this comm.

Any suggestions on further questions? Hnn, love the layout.

Pictures (optional)[Cosplay pictures are fine, but they should concentrate on your face]: ...I hate cameras. >~< *hides*

Evil Status

Would you a) kill bunny rabbits?, b) kick kittens, or c) throw stones at dogs? (Please choose one.) I'd rather torture little insects.
Do you prefer mass murder or killing one by one? (State others if applicable.) Killing one-ny-one, slowlyyyyyyyyy...
Do you a) torture your victims then kill them?, b) kill them quickly?, or c) launch into a long rant before killing them?(State others if applicable.) TORTURE. >]
What is your (evil) ambition? ...show 'em who's boss. Wait, what..?
Are you an evil leader or a shadow king second-in-command? I'm just a sidekick. (wtf)
What is your EVIL catch phrase? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Did you say something?
Are you batshit insane or cruelly mad? @w@ Hnn, I dunno, probably CRAZY.
Do you have a tragic past? My mother passed away last year. u_u
Do you prefer an army of undead pirates or an army of S-class shinobi? S-class Shinobi >:B
What is your weapon of choice? some modified Kunai (imma gonna make it look like a SWORD! +_+) and I wish to use pens for weapons or something.
If you had to force information out from someone, how would you do it? MOLEST! MOLEST.......... (O_O yeah, I tend to do that. x'P)
What's the slowest way to kill without using jutsu? tortuuuure...
What do you think of Sir Leader? He's cool. (/*_*)/
On a scale of 1-10, how Evil are you? (IN ALL HONESTY.) 7.

stamped as: kisame, [stamped]

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