Fic Request #1

Jan 13, 2007 18:17

Pairing: Sasori/Sakura
Prompt: “let me be your puppet one more time.”
Rating: NC-17!!!!!!! SMUT AHOY!

Sakura lay sprawled on the floor, her hair looking like fallen cherry blossoms framing her head.

Sasori knelt over her and let his hand trace the lines of her clothes. Sakura caught one of his

cold hands and held it.

“Before you go...” Sakura breathed, “let me be your puppet one more time.”

The smile that crossed Sasori’s lips was cold, cruel, soft, and seductive. “You say that as if

we are to never meet again.”

“Not like this.”

“No. Not like this,” Sasori agreed.

Sakura closed her eyes and felt the intangible threads of chakra wind through her body, emerging

from various joints, thin strings of power. She succumbed to the utter abandon of not having to

think, not having to coordinate precisely timed neural pulses to make her body move the way she

desired. The lack of control was, in a twisted way, intoxicating. She felt Sasori move her

neck, making her look up. She felt her spine straighten, making her sit up. Her fingers and

arms flexed, giving her an initial push up and her legs balanced to let her stand. She caught

Sasori’s eyes and the smallest of smirks found its way onto his face. Sakura felt her arm move,

felt her hand close around the zipper to her shirt. The zipper was slowly pulled down, exposing

her undershirt. Her arms coordinated to let the tank-top fall away from her, before a timed

action of her back, arms, and torso allowed her skort to fall down her legs, leaving her shorts

visible. Her gloves were pulled off, her shoes untied and shucked, leaving her bare save for

skin-tight spandex.

Sakura could only breathe, the eroticism of helplessness holding her captive as much as Sasori’s

chakra strings. She felt her fingers curl around the edge of her undershirt and slowly pull up,

across her stomach, snagging momentarily on her chest before working around her head. The

undershirt slid off her hands before they were brought down to her sides to grip the waist of

her shorts. They were pulled down around her hips, thighs, shins, and left to pool on the floor

amid other scattered articles of clothing. She was left only in her bra and panties. Her bra

was unhooked and slid down her arms, and her panties were guided to the floor. She was

completely bare to Sasori’s approving eyes.

“I still don’t understand why you won’t let me make you an actual puppet,” he murmured. “Your

body, your skills, are magnificent.”

“I’m flattered,” Sakura said softly, just a mild hint of sarcasm in her voice.

Sasori chuckled. With a flick of a finger, he made Sakura’s hands travel up her stomach,

caressing slowly, before he made her massage her chest, fingers circling and pinching the pert

nipples, thumbs tracing the curves of each boob. Sasori watched, pleased as Sakura began to

sweat. It always amused him that even without exertion her body would become slick, shining in

the dim light, creating a natural polish to the healthy glow of her skin. He made her hands

travel up to her neck, caressing the pulse beating against her skin, then flow in circles down

her body, and Sakura breathing became deeper, harder. Her hands finally made it to her private

and Sakura’s lips parted, her breath catching. Sasori watched with a mingled sense of

fascination and long-forgotten desire, and made Sakura pleasure herself. He could smell the

musky scent of an aroused woman, could see the wetness coating Sakura’s fingers, saw her body

shimmer when she jerked, even though her body was under Sasori’s complete control. He brought

her to the brink of orgasm and then left her hanging, cutting the strings and letting her

crumple to the floor.

A small, sarcastic laugh bubbled up from the trembling pile of flesh, and Sakura murmured,

“Didn’t think you would finish me this time.”

Sasori’s smile was cruel.

“Go, Puppet-Master. We won’t see each other again unless it’s on the battlefield.”

Sasori didn’t offer any comment and instead left without a word, closing the door of the secret,

abandoned cabin they had found, separately, and where they met for the first time.

Sakura’s eyes opened slowly, then closed, and her hand drifted low, where she fantasized of no

control, cold eyes, and even colder hands.

Yes, yes, I know, Sakura is probably tremendously out of chracter. But, c'mon, who doesn't want to be completly helpless sometimes? or it could just be me being weird...
I apologize for grammar errors and hope that you enjoyed it anyway.

fw: fanfic, warning: rated r or higher, ch-a: sasori, ch-o: sakura

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