NARUCRACK_Akatsuki 4 panels.

Apr 16, 2005 03:07

Hello! Newbie post! (I had to join when I found this club. Words cannot describe my joy.)

I did some 4 panels, pure crack of course. Hopefully this'll be amusing to some of you XD

Cut for super long comic strips, and manga spoiler.

NARUCRACK_Diet Habits or something like that, yeah.
In which we observe these interesting animals in their natural habitats.

1. Weasel eats Chickens;
2. Shark eats Fishies;
3. Venus Fly Trap eats Flies;
4. an Orochi eats... -_____-;
(labels: pure, innocent, adorable)

A Dream within a Dream within a Dream

Hot Fishie Loving

TV rots your brains (beware the FMA reference to our beloved Hughes)

ch-o: anbu, ch-a: kisame, genre: humor/crack, ch-o: sakura, ch-o: naruto, ch-a: itachi, ch-a: zetsu, ch-o: sasuke, fw: fanart, ch-g: itachi-kisame, fw: comic, ch-a: orochimaru

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