Photograph by
Twitchietai I N T R O D U C T I O N
"Hello. Welcome to Terminus. Congratulations for having been selected to participate in this test. Here you will find people like yourself who have been selected based on their unique attributes. We are certain that you will contribute valuable information towards our goal.
You no longer have a past or future other than what exists inside this facility. Regrettably, escape from this facility is impossible. Attempts to do so will not be penalized, but will be made note of. You will be under constant video surveillance. This facility operates independently of any applicable government regulations. We are not legally responsible for any death or serious injuries that can and are likely to occur throughout the duration of your stay.
If you have any questions, please report to the information desk located inside the Main Lobby. Maps and room keys are also available at this location.
Thank you for your contribution. We hope your stay will be a pleasant one."
Hey, guys! A friend and I are trying to get a roleplay started. You all seem nice and I know this place is ad friendly, so I thought I would share it here. All of our Naruto characters are free, Akatsuki included. We won't be starting until the 19th but we're taking & accepting applications. We'd love to have you guys! Also the layout for the comm is totally a work in progress. XD