(no subject)

Sep 02, 2005 19:11

Pairing(s): Itachi x Deidara.
Rating/Warnings: Language. PG-13.
Length: 100-word drabble.
Summary: Seemingly PWP without the smut. Itachi corners Deidara in the library of the Akatsuki's main base.What new jutsus were they suppose to be learning again?
Author's comments: Born of writer's block. Don't even know what genres I'm trying for. Don't even know where it's going. Ack.


“Turn that camera off. Now.”

“But how else am I suppose to take notes, un?”

A confused Deidara felt the bookshelf press into his spine. Scrolls were strewn all over the floor.

Nails digging into his hips, blood-red eyes stared into dark blue ones. A smirk appeared, along with what could have passed for verbal amusement.

“I’ll make sure you remember.”

Then Itachi guided him to unforgettable ecstasy.





Being fucked by addictive sin was breathlessly intoxicating.

“D-do it again… Un.”

Hungrily kissing bloodstained lips, he acquiesced.

“With pleasure."

The only sounds thereafter were anything but unbidden.

fw: fanfic, genre: pwp, ch-a: deidara, ch-a: itachi

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