curse of the unavenged

Apr 13, 2007 17:06

this is a three part little thing i wrote with three drabbles. They're seperate, in a way, but they are all part of the same story. So yeah, enjoy it...

title: Curse of the Unavenged
characters: itachi, sasuke
summary: No one ever goes into the Uchiha Compound anymore.
inspiration: focus word 'uchiha massacre'
rating: pg for EVAHL! nah its pg just for maybe some maturity needed I guess.
word count: 300 exactly (im about 95 percent certain its exactly 300)

There is a place in Konoha where no one ever goes. It's a place where the shadows take on lives of their own, devouring everything and throwing the world into darkness. Within it's forgotten walls, despair knows no bounds, shades of crimson painting painful memories of corruption and betrayal.

Itachi, looking at this place, sees the source of his demented hatred. He sees this place and he wonders for a moment if the strange feeling lurking deep within his cold heart is sorrow... or possibly regret.

But then the feeling is gone, and so Itachi just continues on his way.

There is a place in Konoha where no one ever goes. It's a place ravaged by time and epitomized by neverending torment. It's where bloodcurdling screams of lost and broken souls echo across time, shattering the silence.

Sasuke looks at the place and sees the reason for his existence. He sees a reminder of memories her can't forget and pains he can't erase. And then it is all he can do to fight off the overwhelming anguish that threatens to destroy him.

But then Sasuke gives into the demons within his head, losing himself in thoughts of vengeance once again.

It is here that a great and powerful clan saw their rise to glory and it is here where that same clan met their downfall at the hands of one of their own.

This is a place where the unavenged phantoms of a fallen people haunt the shroud of shadows, waiting for the day of their final restitutions. Hope dissolves into melancholy despondency, the morbid desolation drowning out all hints of happiness and replacing it with despair.

People still pass by the Uchiha Compound, sometimes stopping to stare and listen to the agonizing cries of the specters stalking the darkness.

fw: fanfic, ch-o: sasuke, ch-a: itachi

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