Sorry for the lack of updating recently - a lot of things have been suffering, mainly because of my ISP planning and research and also because I have an essay due on Friday about women finding independence in Yuuko Tsushima's work. D: Of course, there is bugger all solid material on the specific novel, but lots on feminism in Japan and her other work! So I'm hoping my background reading on feminism and societal changes from JSTOR will back me up...
My essays aside, I've been trying to do some planning for my writings, so here's what I have so far:
Nephilim: Finally have finished the Prologue and posted that, and have now begun work on Chapter 1. I have the rough events for Chapters 1 and 2 totally fleshed out. That's not to say I have no clue what's going to happen in the rest of the work - I have the first arc of events in my head, but I'm still trying to plan it out chapter by chapter.
My Last Wilderness: Eh, this kind of got derailed, didn't it? I hadn't even gotten to the mansex yet. D: When I started, I was writing it a breakneck speed for NaNoWriMo, so I'm going to try and rebuild some momentum. I'm going to get back on track on this one, but don't expect too much very soon.
Other: On some general writing advice that
gomi_chan gave out over on Riverside HQ, I've been trying to brew up some other ideas for new stories rather than searching for THE epic, just so I can be writing lots. At the moment, it's mostly all m/m slash ideas or post apocalyptic stuff, but I'm thinking of trawling here or on the NaNo forums for plotbunnies...
- A College Story. They're can be cliche or a classic, and I might as well get it out of my system. But reading 'Vibrator' made me realise I really ought to try and write something along these lines.
gomi_chan 's Valentines Couple Meme. I swear I've been working on this... I still have to write Angriest and Quietest though. D:
- Something PROPERLY post apocalyptic with evil corporations and explosions and viruses and vampire zombie strippers... Well maybe not the last thing on that list there.
Also... The FictionPress summary for Nephilim is crap. If you've subjected yourself to it, I'd appreciate any feedback so I can make it sound a bit jazzier.
Any opinons or comments? Any Questions? Any answers?