alice nine. meme

Oct 12, 2008 14:59

a l i c e   n i n e.   m e m e

spent over 2 hrs doing this but I thought the questions were really amusing~ x3
feel free to take and amuse yourselves with it. =]
Honestly, which member has the best reflexes?

How did you first hear about alice nine.?
On deviant, where one of me friends on there was completely obsessed with alice nine//tora<33

What was the very first song you ever heard, and your impression of it?
Velvet<3333 and I loved it 8D

What was your first impression of the band?
Thought they looked really hardcore with the clothing and makeup~

What was your first impression of Shou?
He has big eyes @__@ and a bit of a pretty boy~

What was your first impression of Hiroto?
He’s cute! And has buck teeth 8D

What was your first impression of Tora?

What was your first impression of Saga?
Oh yeah~ he’s the bassist =D and he’s really skinny =.=

What was your first impression of Nao?
He’s the leader? O.o *thought Shou was the leader -.-*

You’ve been a fan of alice nine. for about how long?

Why do you like alice nine.?
Love their music range~ their musical combination of different genres and how they constantly experiment and change their music styles to suit the modern aged public. BUT! I also love them because of their personalities and how the 5 of them are so unique and seem to just balance each other out<3333333 8D

Do any of your friends also like alice nine.?
A few close friends 8]

What other bands do you like?
The Gazette, AnCafe, Girugamesh, Gackt, L’Arc~en~Ciel and the new group THE KIDDIE

Who’s your favorite member and why?
Tora, because he’s just the best~

What’s your favorite song and why?
Mirrorball, Jewels and White Prayer<3333 because they were released in 2007 which was Alice Nine’s year 8]

What’s your favorite single and why?
JEWELS; cause I loved all the songs on there

What’s your favorite song off the album Zekkeishoku?
Velvet, Fantasy, Q, World End Anthology, Kowloon and Corona

Whose compositions do you like the most?
Saga's, cause he wrote Jewels~

What’s your favorite thing about Shou?
His stylish hair and his unique voice (not so typical jrock)

What’s your favorite thing about Hiroto?
His guitar solos and because he’s cute :P

What’s your favorite thing about Tora?

What’s your favorite thing about Saga?
That he has a weird personality and his blogs are amusing :]

What’s your favorite thing about Nao?
His blog posts, and personality~

Which member of alice nine. do you find the most attractive?

Which member of alice nine. do you find the least attractive?
I dunno, they’re all attractive in their own way so this question is unfair D:

Which member of alice nine. do you most relate to?
Tora, strangely enough =/

Which member of alice nine. do you find to be the most talented?
They're all talented and great performers =]

What is Shou’s most physically attractive feature?

What is Hiroto’s most physically attractive feature?
his face also; its really childish and cute~

What is Tora’s most physically attractive feature?
His piercing eyes

What is Saga’s most physically attractive feature?
His hair and they way he presents himself

What is Nao’s most physically attractive feature?

Have you attended an alice nine. live? How many?
No, unfortunately D:

Where was your first alice nine. live?
never been to one ;__;

What are your impressions of alice nine. live?
The atmosphere is always very lively and cheerful =D

How many alice nine. CDs (singles, albums, mini albums) do you own?
3; Alpha & Zekkeishoku album + Rainbows single

Do you own any other alice nine. goods? If so, like what?
Arena37c+special with Alice Nine on both covers =P and a 20 page spread about A9 + Shoxx with A9 poster<3

Do you own Alice in Wonder Film?
Yes, illegally D:

Are there pinups or posters of alice nine. up on your wall?
yes one, from Shoxx mag =]

How many alice nine. mp3’s do you have?
A lot @____@ had to put them to CDs/USB’s cause they were taking up too much space on computer D:

What alice nine. songs often play on your playlist?
Mirrorball and Jewels<3

What’s your most cherished alice nine. item?
Alpha+Zekkeishoku album and Rainbows single<3 *thank you steph, jess and krissy!*

What alice nine. item do you want the most?
Their 1st Piano collection album *o*

What’s your favorite alice nine. style (costumes)?
White Prayer, Tsubasa and Jewels were the best =D

What’s your favorite Shou-look (style/costume)?
Velvet, White Prayer and Tsubasa PV

What’s your favorite Hiroto-look (style/costume)?
Tsubasa and Jewels PV

What’s your favorite Tora-look (style/costume)?
White Prayer & Jewels PV

What’s your favorite Saga-look (style/costume)?
Tsubasa and Jewels PV

What’s your favorite Nao-look (style/costume)?
White Prayer and Tsubasa PV

Please tell us your favorite CD jacket.
Rainbows: Type C Edition

Do you or have your ever cosplayed alice nine.? If so, which styles or costumes?
No, that’s a bit much =___=

What’s your favorite alice nine. “trademark”?
Tora’s neko sign =]

How often do you visit alice nine.’s official homepage?
Every now and then, but generally just go on LJ or read their blog post =]

What do you think about the official site?
Very very nice~ and professional looking

Do you own an alice nine. website? If so what’s the address?

Are you a member of club ALICE?
on LiveJournal? Yes xD

Have you written any letters or sent any gifts to alice nine.?
sent a couple of fan mails recently x3

Right now, if you could give the members a present, what do you think you’d give them?
Assuming that I can afford all of these, I’d give Nao food that can only be tasted in a foreign country and an Ipod, Shou; some nice flowers and his favorite perfume scent, Tora; something related to Korn since he loves them so much, and perhaps a new pillow as his neck isn’t in the best of states =/ and also a BMX bike or skateboard =D Saga; chocolate, cause the guy is so skinny @__@ and a perfume scent *hes always so stylish~* and Hiroto a gaming console perhaps xD and a skateboard =D

What alice nine. song makes you the happiest?
Mirrorball, Jewels & White Prayer

What alice nine. song makes you the saddest?
Jewels and Ruri no Ame, the lyrics are so sad @___@

What are your favorite alice nine lyrics?
Jewels and Ruri no Ame xD

What alice nine. song best inspires you?
Depends on what mood I'm in =P

What alice nine. song do you love to sing along to?

What alice nine. song have you been listening to a lot as of late?
Mirrorball, Ruri no Ame and Mugen no Hana

Which alice nine. song do you like to listen to while you drive?
Haven't been bothered getting my license yet @__@ ~ but while sitting in the front passenger seat, I liked everything =] particularly Cosmic World *for good reason xD*

What alice nine. song makes you want to get up and move (dance, hop, break, etc.)?
Yami Ni Chiru Sakura~ made me want to do head bangs x3

What alice nine. song would you recommend to someone who is interested in listening to alice nine.?
Mirrorball, White Prayer and also Cosmic World cause its been pretty popular with a couple of other friends who don't listen to Alice Nine =]

How do you feel about alice nine.’s change over the years musically?
VERY GOOD! 8D especially with Shou’s vocal improvements and their move towards more pop and ballad-y songs but still managing to keep the rock in their music~

How do you feel about alice nine.’s change over the years visually?
Personally I don’t really mind but I have to say I do prefer their White Prayer and Jewels look more than their old looks (i.e. Yami Ni Chiru Sakura and their 2004/2005 era)

What is your most cherished memory of alice nine.?
A Lot =3

Would you ever get an alice nine. related tattoo?
A Heartogram tattoo on my ankle maybe?

Have you ever named a pet after an alice nine. member?
never had a pet x[

Is being an alice nine. fan a good thing?

Do you think there are any bad things about being an alice nine. fan?

When did you realize that you were really an alice nine. fan?
When I became obsessed? >__>

What do you think about alice nine.’s fans?
They are really good compared to Super Junior’s fans =/.. well Korean fans anyway (no offense) cause they really scare me sometimes =.=

Have you experienced any kind of influence after becoming an alice nine. fan?
heh. xD other than the constant use of black nail polish and buying a Tora look-a-like wrist band, then noooooo nothing =]

Describe alice nine. in one word.

Describe Shou in one word.

Describe Hiroto in one word.

Describe Tora in one word.

Describe Saga in one word.
Radish//Scorpion xD

Describe Nao in one word.

If you could spend one day with Shou, what would you do?
thats hard D: maybe have him take me around Tokyo?...assuming that we are in Tokyo ><;;

If you could spend one day with Hiroto, what would you do?
go to Disneyland =D

If you could spend one day with Tora, what would you do?
go to the movies or a concert and then have him teach me guitar~

If you could spend one day with Saga, what would you do?
I'll have him take me to Kyoto for site seeing =]

If you could spend one day with Nao, what would you do?
probably eat lots and then go to Starbucks

Honestly, which member has the best reflexes?

Honestly, who is the smartest member?

Honestly, who is the most perverted member?

Your third favourite member is?

What role would you put the following members in? Please give your reason.

- Who would you marry -> None
reason: because I like Siwon (suju) too much x3

- Who would be your boyfriend -> Tora?
reason: because he's my favorite member

- Who would be your friend -> Nao & Shou
reason: Nao's fun and Shou looks like the understanding type~

- Who would be your sibling -> Saga
reason: he just seems like the older brother type to me O.o

- Who would be your pet -> Hiroto xD
reason: I can imagine a white rabbit~

Do you like Givuss?
Not really.

Do you like Baquepia?
Never heard their music

Do you like Fatima?
Not really.

Do you like DeltaArk?
Never heard them

If you could meet only one member of alice nine., who would it be and why?
Tora, because he's my favorite member~ =]

What would you like to say to Shou?
relax~ and get more sleep D:

What would you like to say to Hiroto?
your cool~ teach me guitar =)

What would you like to say to Tora?
take care of yourself more and get more sleep =[

What would you like to say to Saga?
you should eat more~ D;

What would you like to say to Nao?
take me to a good Japanese restaurant~ 8]

What would you like to say to the managers and staff?
thank you!~ <3

Something you desire of alice nine. in the future?
Seriously, more blog posts from Tora -.-

And finally, how will you always remember alice nine.?
By them being who they are and making Alice Nine what its become.

alice nine, *memes

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