Feb 19, 2006 16:51
...which apparently means I have to update my journal or else more LJ friends might send me weird automated email messages telling me that they want to know all the crap going on in my life.
Work. Well, it's work. I work like 46 hours a week and it definitely feels like a lot even if it is a fairly standard work-week among my friends. This distaste for having to actually get up and do stuff is compounded by the fact that Jeff quit his job and gets to play all the live-long-day. Now I totally know why he resented me for all the months I was up in San Francisco and jobless. So I can't really begrudge him for playing it up sometimes.
My coworkers are pretty cool (though I got called a whore on Friday...I'm pretty sure he was joking) and it's not a very mentally demanding job (yet)...so really there's no complaints.
Things with The Boy (TM) are good (after many many conversations to the contrary). He is the bestest Squishy ever and I'm glad to have him while he's around. And now he has buns of steel.
The graphic novel I am collaborating on is nearly done. Or I should say that *my* part is nearly done. Then I hand it off to have the narration filled in and all the images cleaned up. Far as I know, the first print run is going to be about a thousand copies. Sounds like a lot, but it's really not...they'll go fast. So lemme know if you want me to set one aside for you. You don't want to be the only square who doesn't have a first-edition signed copy.
(donations are greatly appreciated...everything's coming out-of-pocket.
Mostly Jeff's pocket.
Because it's bigger.
The sinus infection and respiratory tract infection are nearly gone. I have about 3 days left of the horse pills just to make sure. I do not miss coughing like a harbor seal at all. Nor do I miss having to lug a box of tissues everywhere.
I got 8 good bottles of wine and a brand new pair of shoes for free this week. Booyah.
My family is doing well -- my brother just turned 15 and pretty soon I get to show him how to drive. Maybe I should learn to parallel park before that day comes. Hrmm. He can eat 3 times as many buffalo wings as me. I think he's cheating somehow.
I miss painting. I miss doing *my* artwork. I'm really hoping that once the graphic novel is done, I'll have time for some of my own endeavors that have been pushed aside to make room for this. I also want to start doing commission paintings and selling my work again. Not quite sure how to get back into it, but definitely interested.
My friends rock. 'nuff said.
...and that's about it. Haven't written more than 10 lines of poetry since the last stuff I posted. I made some valentine's day cards but forgot to scan them into the computer before I gave them out. So really I have no proof that I have been creative at all in the past month or so. lesigh. But I am happy and life is good. I am not wallowing in any pits of despair nor am I contemplating doing anything dangerous or hazardous to my health. Besides maybe drinking a bottle of wine tonight. We'll see how the evening progresses. Gotta drive back to SF first. Yeah.
Are you happy now, Aaron? Hmm?
Tag, you're it.