God Save The Queen

Jul 12, 2004 15:00

Well this is my first ever Live Journal entry, so what better way to start it than a tribute to my heritage. England is one of few countries still to have a monarchy, and although it is true that the monarchs have little power at their disposal, it really gets me down when people say that they have no point and should just be ousted from their thrones. Firstly, if they were to be ousted, where would they go? I can just imagine it now, a street full of nosy neighbors peeking through their curtains at Charles as he hoists a sack containing the crown jewels over his shoulder and proceeds to walk inside his run-of-the-mill subdivision home. And then out would come the beloved Corgies, all deciding to urinate in the neighbor's flower bed, after all, it is a long way to travel going from Buckingham Palace to an estate where house prices drop below 7 figures. Finally the queen gets out of the moving truck, well kind of. It takes her a good 5 minutes before all of her trailing dress thingy (that actually doesn't really serve much point aside from a really easy and fun way to trip someone up by just standing on the end) is completely out of the truck cab. "Bloody show offs," the neighbors would jeer, but is really the way that my prized monarchs should be treated. It is BLOODY not!!! These so called "pointless puppets" do have a point...and maybe even points (plural!!!). As they are worth so much, they are able to do amazing things for charity, especially work in 3rd world countries. Also, they keep intact a tradition that has lived throughout the country for years and which would really be a shame to see go, as the idea of a monarchy has been the backbone of the country for so long. Oh and one more point, how could you deprive the nation of an icon that is just so lovable, cute, and someone whose cheeks you want to grab and squeeze. No not Harry you sickos...although his cheeks may be drooping pretty soon if all those drugs he's doing start to take effect...I'm talking about the Queen! Well I think shes cute. Talking of Queen, I was washing my car the other day when I heard a rumble in the distance. Frickin teenagers and their fast cars, I thought. But then...although he was in some sort of lightening quick Japanese contraption, none other than Wes Gillespe was rocking to Bohemian Rhapsody. He had such a serious face on...which is understandable, as I could tell he was really relating to the lyrics. "I'm such a poor boy, nobody loves me, I'm such a poor boy, from a poor family." Yea, working at Abercrombie, being drooled over by girls, and living in Stillwater...he knows what Queen were talking about.

Anyway, I think that’s quite enough for one sitting. So “stay classy planet earth” and I hope my first entry didn’t suck.
Oh and a final shout out to the Queen, Queen, Charles, William, Harry, and Wes Gillespe…way to keep it real guys.
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