Nov 29, 2010 09:49
The weather has definitely turned to Winter; here, particularly, the dark of the year is very much attuned to Water, the rains and snows filling the world in preparation for Spring. We can see too the greening of the grass, which takes so much less damage in the cold here than it does elsewhere; I've seen in other places how the grass gets brown and brittle under layers of frost and snow, but here, our below-freezing days and even nights are still relatively rare, so we can see the promise of new life even in the midst of death.
It's always seemed to me that there must necessarily be some kind of survival of the spirit after death, if only because if there were not, that would mean that spirit, alone of all the components in nature, is removed from the cycle of life/death/rebirth and renewal that all other forms of life follow. This does not necessarily mean that consciousness survives beyond death, as so many religions are eager to claim, but nevertheless, I think that the energetic qualities that make us us will find homes outside our bodies after those vehicles eventually break down.
five element observations