First Times

Oct 22, 2014 10:10

Title: First Times
Pairing: Chanyeol/Xiumin
Genre: romance, smut (borderline pwp?)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Language, sex
Word Count: 4600~
Author’s Notes: fic for the winning bid of my auction post over at exorelieffund. To junintoiro , I hope you enjoy it, with that hint of cute, fluffy and awkward first times~ ((I know I technically owe you 6k since you donated 6USD, but I was finding it hard to make smut long ;; If you want anything else like a drabble from this au, just let me know!))

Chanyeol, at the age of twenty and still a virgin living at his parent’s house, oh the horror. It’s not that he hates his parents, far from it. It’s convenient to keep on living in a house where he didn’t have to pay rent, or do his own laundry, or cook his own food; especially considering how close his college is. The other predicament was not his fault either, it’s not as if he hadn’t dated in the past. In fact, every time he goes out, he can feel the stares being sent his way from heavily-caked up girls, painted nails trailing down his arms as he makes his way past. But to be honest, he hates how they look against his skin, and he can only politely decline their advances with an awkward smile (though he’s sure that he looks like a psychopathic killer with the way their eyes widen and they hurriedly pull back their arms). Although he's dated girls, his interest in them didn't go far.

So instead of going out to find girls that he actually likes, he does what any other frustrated boy his age would do.

“Fucking twenty this year and I'm single with not even my hand as a fuck buddy. What is wrong with me?!" he groans as he leans on his windowsill, breeze tugging at his hair as he rants to the wind through his open window. "A virgin still living with his parents?? I'm such a loser..." The peaceful atmosphere continues to be disrupted by Chanyeol's irked proclamations coloured with choice swear words. Their neighbourhood was a small and quiet one, with no-one to disturb him.

"I can help you with that." Or so he thought. Chanyeol stops, whipping his head up at the familiar voice.

"Ouch!" In his surprise, Chanyeol bumps his head, hard, on the window. To make matters worse, he drops his head back down, only for his teeth to meet with the hard wood of the window sill, adding to his pain. "Fuck me."

"I’d be happy to." Chanyeol slowly looks up, wary of the window, and the voice coming from the house beside his. His eyes widen when they confirm his suspicions, jaw dropping.

“Minseok-hyung!” Yes, Minseok, his neighbour who lives alone next door. Minseok is a final year at the same university as Chanyeol, someone Chanyeol considers to be much more mature and experienced compared to himself. And he’ll admit that he’s had fantasies of the older man every once in a while. Not often, no! Just whenever Minseok would go out to wash his fancy car during summer, dressed in only shorts and a black wifebeater, the material clinging to his defined muscles. Especially when Minseok has to reach over the bonnet to get to the front windows, one leg hiked up onto the car, stretching his behind in delicious ways… The thought makes Chanyeol want to drool. He admits, maybe those girls didn’t interest him because he was interested in a certain neighbour of his despite said neighbour lacking boobs.

“Yes, that’s me,” Minseok chuckles, waving coyly at Chanyeol. “Are you free right now?”

“W-Why?” stutters Chanyeol, backing away from the window slightly. He can feel the confidence that Minseok is exuding, enough to make him shrink back into himself. The Minseok that he had observed was a quiet and reserved young man, who seemed introverted and a man of few words. But from the short interaction, Chanyeol begins to question Minseok’s true personality.

“No reason~” This time, Minseok full out laughs, stepping away from his window. “Since you seem busy, I’ll see you around, Chanyeol.” He closes the window with a small smirk, but Chanyeol wasn’t sure if it was even a smirk, his face partially hidden by the glare of the afternoon sun on the glass.

”Wait!” Chanyeol calls out, but it’s too late. The window is firmly shut, and he could make out Minseok’s silhouette moving further and further away from it. He sighs, wishing that he had spoken sooner. “I should have just said yes when he first asked, it was the perfect offer.” With a feeling of slight regret hanging over him, he pads over to his bed, flopping down face first.

But just as he felt his eyelids growing heavy, the afternoon heat pulling at his consciousness, Chanyeol hears the doorbell ring. Once, twice, and then a long string of endless rings. Chanyeol lets it ring, choosing his nap over the uninvited guest. However, when it goes on for five minutes, he can feel the pounding on of an oncoming headache.

“Fine! I’m coming!” he shouts, stomping his way down the stairs, looking like a fuming giant. “Who is it-“ His words die on his tongue though, when he sees the person standing in front of him. “Minseok-hyung, oh my god I didn’t mean to keep you waiting, I didn’t think that you were coming over now… I know you said later but this is pretty soon to be later?” he babbles, hands gesticulating wildly in an attempt to cover his embarrassment.

“Hello, Chanyeol,” chuckles Minseok, “I figured that a little teasing wouldn’t hurt.” The wink that follows has Chanyeol gawking, and Minseok laughing. “So how about coming out for a date?”

“With you?”

“Of course, unless you want to go on a date by yourself, that’s cool too.”

“No! I mean, I’d love to go on a date with you.”

“Great, I didn’t think that skipping straight to the fucking was a good idea.” Chanyeol chokes on his spit, coughing as he tries to catch himself.

“Excuse me???”

“You wanted someone to help you out with the whole virgin situation, am I right?” Minseok winks again, and Chanyeol breathes when he realizes that the older really loves to tease others, or maybe it was just his reaction that made it all the more amusing for Minseok.

“L-let’s just go on that date,” sighs Chanyeol, facepalming at all the embarrassment that he’s gone through in the past hour.

“Okay.” And all of the sudden, the air from Chanyeol’s lungs is gone, stolen by the gentle smile on Minseok’s face, who was reaching out to take Chanyeol’s hand in his own. “I’ll show you somewhere you can go to relax, and continue your nap.” The teasing was all gone, and nothing but genuine kindness remained, at least to Chanyeol’s eyes.

That was the first time Chanyeol felt his heart racing in a long time, as Minseok pulled him further away from the neighbourhood, towards the quieter part of town, where there was nothing but nature. All the while, their hands linked between them.

When Chanyeol fantasized about dates with Minseok, he had always thought that Minseok was the kind of guy who would bring his dates to all the quiet places that nobody knew about, where you could enjoy solitude and find peace. And he wasn’t disappointed, Minseok basically showing him all the places where you could ‘relax and nap’, in Minseok’s words. Despite the initial conversation that started all these ’dates’, Chanyeol caught no further glimpse of the teasing side of Minseok after the first time, unless they were at the first place which the older had showed him; which he didn’t know whether or not to be grateful or upset about. By the edge of town where the overgrown grass was so high that even a tall boy like himself could be completely hidden by the reeds, amidst the clusters of vegetation, Minseok had made a small meadow, where the grass was trimmed and a small log served as a headrest.

“Whenever I feel frustrated, I would come here to take a breather, and just clear my head of all the things that brought me down,” he had explained, motioning towards the small log. “Don’t worry, I won’t jump you or anything.”

“What makes you think that you’ll be doing the jumping? Between you and me, I’m bigger,” argues Chanyeol. It’s not like he has anything against either role, but looking at Minseok… Well, he just assumed.

“Oh, naive one, size isn’t everything.” And as much as Chanyeol tried to believe him, Minseok looked much too small and vulnerable for someone who could supposedly jump him. Although, when he thinks of Minseok in that wifebeater again… It could happen, he supposes.

That was the end of the discussion, silence lapsing over them as peace surrounded. But the thing with Chanyeol is, his curiousity tends to get the better of him. Plus, it had been a few weeks since Minseok had ‘offered’ to take away his virginity, and he was still as clean as he had been beforehand.

“Prove it,” Chanyeol challenges one day, as he lies down on the grass, his hands beneath his head as he stares up at the sky.

“Hmm?” Minseok glances over at him, and Chanyeol’s breath hitches. Minseok had brought over his laptop, to work on his final thesis, and he was wearing simple black-rimmed glasses, hair styled up. It was simple, but it was enough to spark this… this unknown feeling inside of him, unlike anything he’s felt for anyone.

“I still find it hard to believe that you could jump me, especially after spending time with you over the past few weeks. Hyung, you’re always so quiet.”

“Didn’t anyone ever tell you,” Minseok closes his laptop, putting it to the side, and makes his way over to where Chanyeol is lying down, “always be careful of the quiet ones.” Minseok smirks, placing his feet either side of Chanyeol’s waist, before he promptly sits down, making Chanyeol grunt from the sudden pressure on his groin.

“I-is that all you’ve got?” Chanyeol manages to splutter, his hands reaching up for Minseok. But instead of grabbing onto him, Chanyeol’s hands just awkwardly hover Minseok’s waist. The latter rolls his eyes, taking a hold of Chanyeol’s hands himself, putting them on their rightful place and laughs when he spots the tips of the younger’s ears going red.

“You sure you want to see how far I can go?” checks Minseok, leaning forwards so that his breath fans over Chanyeol’s neck, who shivers.

“Give me your all.” Minseok pulls back, and that gentle smile replaces the smirk.

“Not this time, not yet. But maybe another day.” Yet Minseok still remains in his seat on Chanyeol’s abdomen. “Today, we’ll take the first step in my promise to help you with the taking of your virginity.” Minseok’s bluntness has Chanyeol squirming, but he immediately stops when he realizes that the movement isn’t helping him to keep calm when Minseok’s weight is solely on that area.

All of a sudden, Minseok digs his heels into the ground, pressing himself harder against Chanyeol. Minseok takes Chanyeol’s hands away from his waist, grabbing both wrists in his right hand and then keeping them above Chanyeol’s head, on the ground. With his left hand, Minseok cradles Chanyeol’s face, leaning down to place a kiss on the latter’s nose, followed by a kiss on each cheek, another on his Adam’s apple, and a final one on Chanyeol’s lips.

Minseok licks at the seam of Chanyeol’s lips, slowly applying pressure and occasionally nibbling on the bottom lip. The strength in Chanyeol’s limbs have left him, Minseok’s touches and kisses literally draining him of all energy. When Minseok no longer feels the tension in Chanyeol’s body, he lets go of the younger’s arms, using both hands to cup the latter’s face. He shifts his bottom half, taking the opportunity to lick into Chanyeol’s mouth when the latter gasps at the sensation in his lower body. Even as Minseok sucks on Chanyeol’s tongue, he can’t respond except to make small whining noises at the back of his throat.

All the while, Minseok is slowly gyrating his hips, building up the pleasure between their lower halves. It’s slow, and excruciating, but Chanyeol can feel each tingle, each sensation, much clearer. It’s like his veins are hyperaware, something that he’s never felt before.

“Hyung-- Too slow…” he moans, wriggling to try get more friction between them. But Minseok remains persistent, pressing down even harder to stop Chanyeol’s movements.

“No. Just right. Trust me.” And strangely enough, Chanyeol did, wholeheartedly.

Sweat beads down Chanyeol’s face, as he tries to breathe in and out, in and out. Minseok is no longer kissing him, choosing to bury his head in the crook of Chanyeol’s neck, mouthing at the skin, as if testing the waters to see if he should mark the younger. When Chanyeol feels teeth gently grazing his neck, he tilts his head the other way, to give better access; but Minseok pulls away, reaching into his back pocket. He pulls out a small packet of lube, bringing it to his mouth to hold with his teeth. His hands get to work on pulling down his jeans and underwear, down to the knees, and then he hooks a finger on the belt loop of Chanyeol’s pair of jeans, tugging them down. A muffled ‘up’ escapes his gritted teeth, and Chanyeol lifts his bum up slightly to allow Minseok to pull down his jeans and underwear too.

Chanyeol feels the embarrassment of doing this - he’s not sure exactly what this is yet - in the open, but he has no time to dwell on it, as Minseok rips the packet of lube open, squeezing half of the clear gel onto his open palm, the other onto Chanyeol’s.

“I thought you said that we weren’t doing it today?” It’s not that Chanyeol was scared... Maybe just a little nervous at the prospect of his virginity being taken outdoors.

“We’re not, but there’s loads of other fun things we can do.” Minseok’s voice is sultry, huskier than usual, as he reaches for Chanyeol’s member. Minseok lathers on the lube with precision, sending tingles up Chanyeol’s spine, whose eyes can’t leave the fingers working his length. With shaky fingers, he tries to copy the older, wrapping his fingers around the thick girth of Minseok’s dick just above his. His fingers are awkward, slow and unsure in their movements as they spread the cold gel which is slowly warming up. He squeezes once in a while, feeling the pressure on his own dick increase with need. Even with his inexperience, Minseok is encouraging, smiling into his neck. “That’s right, nice and slow.”

After a few minutes, and the ache in his groin is almost too much to bear. “Hyung--” Chanyeol’s voice dies out in a choke, when Minseok takes both of their members in his hand, grip tight. Chanyeol’s hands fly to Minseok’s shoulder blades, trying to find purchase at the new sensation. And when Minseok starts to move, rutting up and down, Chanyeol buries his face into Minseok’s neck, taking in a deep breath.

“How does that feel? Tell me.” Minseok doesn’t stop, using his thumb to tease Chanyeol’s tip, rolling the skin in between his thumb and forefinger.

“Hyung-- Too good, I don’t think I can--”

Just like that, he lets go, his cum spurting onto Minseok’s shirt, the white contrasting against the black. Chanyeol’s back arches off of the ground, his toes digging into the ground to try and steady himself. His breathing is erratic, chest heaving up and down. Minseok lets go of Chanyeol’s member, rolling off the younger to give him some space. His dick is still hanging heavy between his legs, but it doesn’t seem to bother him too much, his stare focused on Chanyeol.

After a few minutes, Chanyeol regains his breathing, and he sits up, pushing his hair away from his face. He looks over to Minseok, who’s still sitting a bit away.

“Hyung! You haven’t--” he gestures towards Minseok’s groin, face reddening with shame. “I’m sorry, oh my gosh…” Chanyeol buries his head in his hands, slumping his shoulders.

“That’s okay,” reassures Minseok. “Why don’t you come closer and help me finish off?” he suggests with a gentle smile. Chanyeol looks up, a frown marring his face. But nonetheless he moves towards Minseok, taking the other’s dick into both hands. Minseok places his own hand above Chanyeol’s slightly larger ones, guiding him on how to please him properly. “Just like that, Chanyeol, you’re doing great.”

When Minseok is close, he takes his own hands off, leaving the rest to Chanyeol as he feels the familiar shudders through his body, ending up at his cock. When he comes, the sensation leaves him shaking just like Chanyeol earlier, and he ends up slumping onto Chanyeol’s chest. Chanyeol hugs him close, using his long arms to reach for their discarded clothes. When Minseok’s calmed down too, they both get their clothes on, not saying anything about what just happened between them.



They both speak at once, gazes focused on the ground.

“You first,” says Chanyeol, biting on his bottom lip.

“I-- No, you should,” sighs Minseok. Chanyeol furrows his eyebrow at the discrete sigh, wondering if Minseok didn’t enjoy himself like Chanyeol had. Sure, it was quick, messy, uncoordinated. But it gave him a feeling of contentment, knowing that he had taken a step further with Minseok, a step of intimacy in their relationship.

“Did you not enjoy yourself?” he whispers, closing his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose.


“I mean, I’m sorry… I came first and left you hanging for ages…” Chanyeol wants to kick himself. He hadn’t been considerate towards Minseok at all, the other even had to teach him how to please him properly! And yet Minseok could make Chanyeol come faster than he could even process.

“Chanyeol, look at me.” Minseok was now straight in front of him, closing the distance between them. Minseok tips Chanyeol’s chin up, placing a quick kiss on his lips. “Did you even listen to me, all the things I was telling you?”

“You were lying.”

“No, I wasn’t. That was great, for your first time--”

“See, first time.”

“That’s not what I meant!” Minseok kisses Chanyeol, harder this time. “You did great, period.”


“No, I’m sorry. I did this outside, and for your first sexual encounter to be on dirt of all places…”

And that’s when it clicked. That Minseok did enjoy it.

“You were worried about that?” asks Chanyeol, grinning at the older. “If you want to know what I thought, well, as you can tell I didn’t really care.”

“Next time, you’re coming over,” laughs Minseok, lacing his fingers with Chanyeol.

That was the first time that Chanyeol felt his heart wanting to jump out of his chest, as they swung their hands between them on the way home with the fresh feeling of attachment blooming in their chests. There’s going to be a next time, he thinks happily to himself, humming and grinning when Minseok hums along. I can’t wait.

That day didn’t actually come too soon, since Minseok seemed determined to do things properly, although what proper even meant, Chanyeol wasn’t sure. All he knows is, he finds Minseok dragging him all over town, and he’s sure that he’s visited every single place except for the one that he really wants to be invited to.

“Hyung, when can I come over?” he whines one day, leaning onto Minseok’s shoulders as they lay back on the grass of the meadow. “You’ve been avoiding this…”

“Huh?” Once again, Minseok was wearing the thick black-rimmed glasses, his hair spiked up with plenty of gel. His defined arms were bared for Chanyeol to drool over, his white tank top loosely hanging on his upper half.

“Hyung please, I’m ready.” Chanyeol didn’t refer to having sex specifically, he knew that Minseok understood what he was getting to. But just in case, he lets his hand drift to the older’s crotch, resting it lightly on the denim. “So please,” he whispers, moving to place a soft kiss on the underside of Minseok’s jaw.

“No regrets?” he murmurs as a reply, and Chanyeol chuckles.


The journey home was a blur to Chanyeol, who only remembers being pulled up with such haste, and being pushed into the car as if it was a kidnapping. When they reach Minseok’s house, the rush to get inside was like nothing he had ever experienced; not even that time that he was seconds from being late to his finals. That was with reluctance that he had forced his legs to keep running. But this time, it was like there was a fire in his belly that gave him the energy to surge forwards, hungry for Minseok.

They trip over the threshold, and even as they go upstairs to the bedroom, laughing all the way. There was something about the thought of finally losing his virginity, and to Minseok no less, that was extremely electrifying, leaving him giddy and light-headed.

But when the bedroom door is closed behind him, the awkward and shy Chanyeol makes his appearance, and he’s left standing at the foot of the bed, unsure of what to do with himself.

“Relax,” breathes Minseok, who takes Chanyeol’s hands in his, as he stands in front of the taller. Even with the difference in height, Chanyeol feels like he could curl up in Minseok’s arms, with the way that the older grins at him reassuringly.

Minseok leans in, licking at the seam of Chanyeol’s lips; the latter can feel his nervousness levels increasing, not from anxiety but from anticipation. They kiss until Chanyeol’s left breathless, and he has to rest his head on Minseok’s shoulders. “Slow and steady.” Minseok’s voice is like honey, leaving Chanyeol feeling sedated and trusting.

Even when Minseok slowly slips off Chanyeol’s shirt, attaching his sinful lips to the crook of Chanyeol’s neck, the younger has no fear. Gaining confidence, he reaches for Minseok’s flimsy top, taking it off quickly. The temperature in the room was rising, but the two only pull closer, Minseok feverishly continuing his appreciation of Chanyeol’s lean torso by letting his teeth graze the skin, leaving pale red streaks across his chest.

Soon enough, the both lose any other pieces of clothing on their body. They’re on the bed, breathing heavy as their legs wrap around each other, limbs entangling. They’re still only making out, and Chanyeol can tell that Minseok is trying hard to make him as comfortable as possible. But all of the kissing is just giving him swollen lips, and he needs more.

When he expresses his wish to Minseok, the older just keeps kissing him, taking Chanyeol’s hand and leading it to Chanyeol’s hard dick. “Touch yourself for me, while I prep you?”

To be perfectly honest, it felt kind of weird to be masturbating in front of Minseok, it’s not exactly something you do in front of others, but when Chanyeol spots Minseok reaching for the lube, he knows it’s in his best interest.

When the first lube-slicked finger teases his hole, Chanyeol panics.


“Hmm?” Minseok stops, but his finger rests on Chanyeol’s ass cheek, waiting.

“This is going to hurt.” It wasn’t a question.

“Yes, it will.” And there was no denial that Chanyeol was kind of hoping for, even though he knew it would’ve only been a lie.

“Okay…. Okay….” He was trying to calm down, to forget about what would come. Minseok’s free hand joins Chanyeol’s, massaging his heated flesh softly. Minseok’s warm mouth also joins in, and Chanyeol manages to forget everything but the heat around his cock.

But when Minseok’s finger makes the first breach, he can’t help the exclamation of pain that jolts through his body. He goes rigid, and Minseok pulls out straight away.

“I’m so sorry!” Minseok moves back, putting his hands up in surrender. And that only makes Chanyeol feel worse, because Minseok looks so sorry, and for what?

“No, hyung, it’s fine… I just… Let’s keep going, please?” Minseok looks hesitant, and Chanyeol has to get up to pull him back down. “Again.” He leads Minseok’s hand to his behind, biting his lips in preparation. No matter what, he wouldn’t show his discomfort this time.

But of course, things don’t go as planned, and they repeat the awkward process of trying to prepare Chanyeol a few times, before his body finally relaxes. And when it does, Chanyeol finds that the feeling is strange, but not all too unpleasant. Soon enough, he’s writhing on the bed, begging for more with a flushed face, hair tousled from wriggling on the sheets. Minseok looks much more composed, but the desire in his eyes is unmistakeable.

“Ready?” he asks. Chanyeol is on his front, Minseok hovering above him with the tip of his cock barely touching the younger’s ass. Chanyeol nods into the pillow, grabbing onto it.

Just like with the preparing, it took them a few times to get it right, Chanyeol unused to the girth of Minseok’s cock stretching him open. It hurt, a lot, but he knew that the pleasure would come… Hopefully? Every time that Minseok would try to move, Chanyeol would tense up so he stopped again, for a frustratingly long time, to make sure that Chanyeol was okay.

So Chanyeol decided to take matters into his own hands. He pushes Minseok away, his heart breaking when he sees Minseok’s hurt face.

“I’m sorry, this isn’t going well at all--”

“Sit at the edge of the bed.” Chanyeol nudges Minseok into position, straddling his lap. And with all the courage he can muster, he takes Minseok’s dick and leads it to his entrance. With a deep breath, he sinks himself onto the erect cock, gasping at the feeling. Chanyeol’s going on purely instinct as he grinds down onto Minseok’s lap, his hands reaching to loop around the latter’s neck. He attaches his lips to Minseok’s licking messily at the surprised gape that’s permanently left on the older’s face.

“Slow down, Chanyeol.” Minseok barely gets time to say anything, with the way that Chanyeol would just swallow his words. But the younger was too far gone. There was something erotic about looking down at his own cock bouncing up and down in between their bodies, occasionally rubbing against their stomachs and leaving trails of precum on their skin.

“No. Too good.” Chanyeol stutters when Minseok pinches both of his nipples, and he completely stops when Minseok licks at his chest, leaving sloppy trails of saliva. And when Minseok gives a hard squeeze to his ass cheeks, Chanyeol can’t help it, and he cums white sticky release on their stomachs. Minseok follows straight after, and he pulls out. They’re both breathing heavily, flopping down onto the bed with smiles on their faces.

“How was it?”

“Perfect,” grins Chanyeol, wrapping his arms around Minseok’s torso. “I hear that there’s thing called post-coital cuddling…” He smiles suggestively as he clings onto Minseok, who chuckles happily.

“Wouldn’t dream of letting you go back just yet, my no-longer-a-virgin Chanyeol.”

“My? I’m yours?” A blush spreads on Minseok’s cheeks as he realizes his words, and an identical one appears on Chanyeol’s when he sees Minseok’s reaction. “I like it,” he mumbles, squealing into the older’s shoulder.

Thanks for reading! Do leave comments and whatnot, since this is one of the rare non-selu fics I've written and I'd love feedback :) Even if it's borderline pwp...

length: oneshot, exo, genre: romance, rating: nc-17, title: first times, !fanfics, exorelieffund, genre: pwp, pairing: minseok/chanyeol

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