killer instinct tells her to be aware

Feb 22, 2004 16:46 much for a sunday.
I was having a great dream this morning, but then my mom wakes me up and was all like "take a shower and clean the bathroom, then get ready for church." wtf. So i got up, cleaned the bathroom, and took a shower. blah blah blah, the point of this story is, at my church they had a mardi gras carnival going on, so we took advantage and ate some carnival food. everything was going great until this old man sitting next to me sneezed...and spewed all the food in his mouth onto me. fucking, gross. i just sat there looking off into space wishing i could look down and not see chunks of food all over my shirt and lap. but no, it was all there.
after that, the family and i hit up a bank were i stayed for a good hour and a half (more or less) in the waiting room watching the movie "the hand that rocked the cradle" on the WB. The whole time was basically spent on insulting the main character for being such a sleaze. on my way home, turning into my complex, i saw my friend Javier's car leaving, so i jumped out of my car. he saw me and stopped, i haven't seen buddy since last year. good times. we talked a little, he drove me back home and then left. now get this. my mom (who surprised me for letting me go say hi and leaving me with him [when i jumped out of the car, they left]) turned around when he left and was asking "he left? oh..." with a 'but why' tone...HA! this is great, i can almost feel the fresh breeze of freedom. <3 ah, mom wants the comp.
<3, Tati
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