
May 24, 2009 19:04

I've been back in school for three semsters .. It's that time again where people are gradutioning .. and for once I don't feel like shooting my self . I think it helps because there is a small chance I might grad with something  , even if I don't I  still feel better. I know for the last 9 years I also feel so shittie that I dred these months to come ( that and I have a shit load of birthdays to remember in may). I have two finals to go and I'm getting very neavouse about them. Micro Econ was hella (haha I said hella) hard than Marco but I don't remember being freaked out about the final as I am now. I think because I was so close of getting a B in the class that I am freaking out because I'll prombly get a C again .. Blah  .. Accounting  I'm not lookign forward to the test we have to do a Classify balance sheet .. Argh I hate those sooo much.... Walter is away at a study group .. I'm hungery ..... 
So for the Tahoe trip with Dad .. I'm gonna bring Tatting , maybe Needle felt , and the laptop.. So my goal is to flesh my outline out to a bigger outline then from there to maybe whole sentances or some thing lol... I should go get the blue blanket now .. I was going to write more but I'm distracted by facebook and two messagerns lol ...  Just so everyone is on the same page... Yes I am talking to Dawn again LOL
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