(no subject)

Mar 13, 2013 02:35

Tonight, after the kids had been put to bed, I really felt like chocolate cake. So I asked Maz to make me one and he agreed to do it. I'd have made it myself but energy levels are somewhere below the bottom and the instructions to make the cake were easy enough for Maz to follow. Plus, Maz loves his sweets more than anything, so the prospect of home-made chocolate cake probably made his night.

So, actually, lately I've been dieting. Or, well, kind of. I'm not that disciplined, really. I just can't add irritability from starving myself to my general mood swings, so if I'm having a bad day, I eat and I eat whatever I fancy eating. Usually what I fancy eating isn't sweets or cake, though. If it's "bad food", it's more likely to be nachos or the local fried chicken or something to that effect. Perhaps it's because a lot of the dieting stuff is trying to take the form of candy bars and sweet shakes, I don't know.

In any case, he made this cake and then it was just... far too sweet. I don't even know. He'd followed the recipe, so it (most likely) wasn't because he had made a mistake. It was just far too much sugar for my liking. I start most days on a caramel meal replacement bar and I drink a lot of artificially sweetened soda, but that was just... ick. I could tell that it would usually have been good but it had no appeal, you know?

Oh well. I'm sure Maz and the kids will enjoy the cake. And at least I found dinner surprisingly good. I hadn't wanted tacos, but then... I do like spicy food. :)

My life, it's amazing, isn't it? I will say though that last I checked I had lost about 5kg. So it must be working at least a little bit. I've never dieted before. I've tried to eat healthier but not quite this actively. I just realised that I'd gained 10kg after giving birth to Snuffles and that was unacceptable to me.

As an unrelated aside, I watched old videos with Kupo today. I can't believe he's not that little boy any longer. I miss him. Where did he go?! I mean, the current Kupo is awesome too, of course, but can't I keep all the Kupos? And Snuffles took his first steps this weekend, so he won't stay a baby either. Damn kids.

kupo, mazvn, nostalgia, baking, snuffles, dieting

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