On Hawthorn & Vine, it's so far received 83 reviews. I've never received that many reviews on the first chapter of any piece anywhere before. After it's been updated a few times a similar number can accumulate, certainly, but never while there's only the one.
On Granger Enchanted, it's received 20 reviews.
On kittyfics, it's received 8 reviews.
On AO3, I don't count the comments, but it's received 26 kudos.
I'm not denying there can be a bit of overlap (especially between kudos and reviews) but, man. I feel loved. ♥_♥ Not a one of the reviews is negative so far. Although there's always time for that, I suppose, haha.
And I do know that the first chapter of a sequel isn't the same as a first chapter of a whole new fresh fic and that there's five years of quite undeserved hype behind this, but don't burst my bubble!