Because IDK what to post. And it's not like nothing is happening.
Kupo is completely nappy and pacifier free now. Such a big boy.
Snuffles has started solids and will never stay on his back when we put him down. He always rolls onto his stomach and then after a bit starts complaining because he doesn't like it. He isn't very good at rolling back. And everything his brother does is so exciting that he will flail himself towards it and suddenly not be where we put him at all! Fortunately he is the most mild-mannered and happy baby ever, even when his big brother gets a little too enthusiastic in his affections. He is 6½ months old.
Snuffles is also supposed to start daycare on August 1st. It'll be a bit odd. I can't really decide if I'm looking forward to it. I bet Maz is, though. I haven't been well for a while and the burden of childcare has mostly fallen to him, whereas I'll mostly play games with them and read them stories when I'm up.
Maz is finally completely done with school as per a month ago. Those lingering exams that he hadn't taken - because, okay, I was suddenly in hospital and in danger of losing the baby last time, and he was alone with Kupo - are done. Now he's just unemployed. :D
We bought a tablet! An Acer Iconia Tab A510. Haha. I got it because it did very well on tests and there was this one site that had it at a good price. It doesn't have 3G which is completely fine with me, I can use tethering if needed, but it has a bad glare that does annoy me from time to time. It's completely useless in direct sunlight. Good thing I don't go outside much and that sunlight is a rare enough phenomenon around here anyway. ;)
Right now we're looking at vacuum cleaners and
this one might be what we get. IDK. I'm sick and tired of looking, tbqh. I even watched some stupid vlogs in German (no offence to my German f-listers, but I'm far too rusty at it to reliably decipher your language these days) in order to see if it was worth it. It's so frustrating, because reports are so conflicting. DYSON IS THE BEST AND NEVER BREAKS vs EW CHEAP PLASTIC THAT ALWAYS BREAKS, not to mention BEST SUCTION EVAH vs DOESN'T SUCK WORTH A DAMN... and who the fuck am I to believe?
Obviously, I have it hard.
But it probably doesn't help that I'm having a very bad day today. No reason, except hormones (no, not pregnant) and how lovely it always interferes with my unmedicated depression. I wish I knew a reliable way to make this stupid, irrational, heavy feeling go away for good. And I really should have stayed offline today because I just can't seem to stop making a mess of things. At least I think this update is harmless enough.
As for writing fic... not much happening there. :( I would hope that Maz would give me some uninterrupted writing time soon, but to be honest... I'd feel bad asking for it. Refer back to my aforementioned wonky health, and how that means me disengaging and sleeping a lot. It simply isn't fair to keep demanding more.
Ahh, and to add to my perfect day, now this internet is wonky. -_-