1) I know that a bunch of people following this journal are waiting for the final chapter of Cake and Other Curses. I'm very sorry for the hold-up. The fact is that I've got it back from three of my four betas, but the fourth is fairly sick with something that sounds a lot like a bad case of the flu. Since this is
dollfaced and I really value her input, I don't want to go ahead and post the very end of the story without her. So everyone will have to wait a few days until she's well enough to return the chapter to me, sorry! Upside is that this chapter is longer than the others have been, so there's more to wait for.
2) I just finished the first draft (misnomer - the beginning of the fic is actually fairly polished, but the last bit is extremely rough, so don't know what to call it) of
namelessamelie's Bingo Prize fic. :D So far it's clocked in at 23,482 words, but since parts towards the end are fairly skeletal, I'll probably make 25k yet. I felt this one was hard to conclude so IDK about the ending. I guess I'll hear how she feels about it.
3) I got a random bunny the other day that
withdrawnred gave the go-ahead to turn into her prize fic. Kind of scared and excited all at once. It'll be dark fic. I think my initial description listed Draco as "Criminal Minds messed up" and she still said yes. I predict fewer readers for this one. But then again, the one for
namelessamelie also had Harry/Hermione and infidelity... I should simply get used to it. :D
5) I would actually be further along if I hadn't been so bothered by the unresponded column over at Hawthorn & Vine and decided to respond to every single review I'd received over the past nine months. True, I didn't really post much fic for the majority of that time, but there's still been a couple of WIPs lately, so with the ones that came in while I responded, I think I was pushing 440ish reviews. Yeah. So, sorry if you are a dedicated reviewer and got like 20 "thank you"s in your inbox. For the most part I didn't know what else to say. Also, I'd be okay if I never saw another "Respond" button.