Pet peeve flare-up

Apr 08, 2011 05:35

Dear Quite A Few Exchange Participants Already,

One of the requirements to write for this change is to get a beta. I know that anyone can be a beta in theory, but usually it's a good idea to get someone who spells better than your cat. I believe the mods even gave you a list of beta resources, in case you didn't feel like shamelessly begging your f-list or on other comms.

So why oh why do I see so many mistakes in so many fics? I can ignore a few mistakes. We all make them. Hell, Sod's Law now demands that my own fic has several minor slips of various kinds. However, some of you have more than a few mistakes. You have mistakes in each paragraph. Or you visibly tried to use spell check instead of actual human eyes to sort it all out, resulting in wrong words popping up, leaving us poor readers to decipher what it should say.

I don't mean to be mean. I certainly don't mean to wank about our last ever dmhgficexchange. I'm simply confused as to why you thought the rules didn't apply to you. I want to like your fics and leave positive reviews, I really do, but when stuff like this crops up constantly, it gets tiring after a while. And I have to review on some of these for the bingo to boot.

Spelling should be the easy part of writing and/or betaing. Maybe consider getting a better beta next time.



P.S. Commenters please refrain from mentioning any particular story in here, okay? Let's stay vague.

shoot me already, you're making up tags again aren't you?, pet peeves, writing, wanking up a storm i'm sure, betas?, random, ficcing, i have a lot of feeeeelings, letter format, dmhgficexchange

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