Reader rant ahoy. I have to warn you, though. It's that time of the month.
Been a while since my last Bracelet update and there's a perfectly good explanation for that.
I. Am. Turned. OFF!!
By no means by the story but by the readers. Some of them, in any case. Not all of you, obviously.
Here's why:
I am SICK of people TELLING me what to do, DEMANDING stuff.
And I am SICK of people calling Hermione a SLUT!
The next reader to do so will get a very personal piece of my fucking mind.
Especially because it's ok for Draco to fuck anything that moves but if Hermione even THINKS about KISSING someone she is a slut and unworthy. YES, she's had sex with someone one time and YES she's kissed a few other boys. BUT GUESS WHAT! Draco does NOT have the exclusive right to her vagina BEFORE SHE'S EVEN FUCKING INTERESTED IN HIM!
It's women like YOU that keep true sexual equality from happening. So fuck you. Go back to being some slapped around baby factory and leave me the FUCK alone! If Hermione is being a slut, then you're probably ten times the whores that she is, anyway. Ew! You suck! :P
On a more sane note some of my people have, after listening to my RAEG, suggested that I stop my updates completely until I finish writing the story because every time I am turned off by these MISOGYNISTS and ENTITLED FANBRATS there are days or even weeks where I don't write. I don't want the fucking hassle and updating gives me nothing but ulcers from the RAEG.
I don't fucking care if people are bored or would rather something else happened, but I very clearly stated where I stand on all of this and to continue to harass me is a fucking lack of respect. Just agree to disagree and LEAVE. Do you REALLY think I care what you'd rather read? Do you think you are doing ME a favor by giving me a review no matter the NATURE of it? I have to admire your dedication if you read 200,000 words just to troll me, though.
Or, rather, probably these idiots didn't read a thing but just skimmed it all looking for smut. Lord knows they ask inane questions that were very clearly answered in THAT VERY CHAPTER often enough.
In my annoyance I wrote a bit on The Sequel the other day. I got a chapter and a half (out of a planned 15 chapters, so no it won't be as long as Bracelet. Nothing fucking will :P) written by now. Only the half chapter written the other day, though. Too bad that I refuse to post any of it before Bracelet is a) written b) posted c) probably old news. And then there's the thing where I may not post anything until the whole thing is fucking written -- just so immature asshats that will just ignore what I say anyway can't kill my mojo.
Or maybe I'll just keep it between me and people I LIKE. That way I minimize the stupid.
Yes, I know, I make threats often enough but the fact of the matter is that the only reason I still write is because I love writing. I fucking hate posting. Posting is annoying, time-consuming and it feels thankless due to me just sitting tense awaiting the inevitable brainless crowd. The only reasons I didn't go "fuckit" already are i) the nice readers. I do have a lot of nice ones that actually like what I write and genuinely want updates written by ME, and ii) this is a very good exercise in growing thick skin.
As for actual helpful feedback, that's extremely rare. Don't get enough to warrant The Hassle(TM).
Now, this rant is probably horribly unfair to all the people that are always nice and courteous or the ones that give me actual helpful critique and pointers. Sometimes I do miss that I overuse adjectives or something makes less sense than it should or I half forgot to wrap up a plot-line. But I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT YOU here. If you have a BRAIN, then I'm most likely not talking about you. BUT even if you think you have a brain, think about it. Have You Annoyed An Author Today? If so, REPENT! REPENT!!!
The thing is that I don't even care much if people like or don't what I write. I don't even care if they should flame me personally or whatever. I'm already branded a bitch and I suppose that won't change. No,it's like I told someone when I was having a stupid unrelated discussion with a dickwad some forum the other day -- what upsets me is that people can be THAT stupid and truly not see how it's rude and obnoxious and that I'm afraid that they will manage to influence other people (say, daughters or just lesser minds) into believing that THIS is the way to do things and this is how it's supposed to be.
Not just talking about the Netiquette here.
Honestly? While what I write is just fiction and I'm all for dysfunctional relationships and, yes, I do sort of get off on writing a Mean!Draco, it concerns me that people will rant and rave about how a young girl should NOT be cautious when it comes to interacting romantically with someone who has been abusive to her in the past. If she had not had these cautions? It would have been ok, because it would just have been an escapist fantasy story about how the meanie is really a big softie and she had telepathic powers and just KNEW he was good deep down even when he was starving, sleep-depriving and physically taxing her. But it is NOT wrong that she DOES act cautiously and you will NOT change my opinion ONE BIT when it comes to this. Most abusive dicks STAY abusive dicks, even when their doormat goes, "He's not really like that, honest. He's just going through some tough times. You don't know the real him. He's a good guy and he loves me."
Being annoyed by her is ok, though. She IS sort of annoying and should get a clue about some things. Doesn't mean she should be his doormat, though. Never that.
Also, the point that I ranted away from: Netiquette. Nobody follows it. No, I am not so fucking grateful that you read my story that I have to do things your way. You are not my boss. PAY me and we may discuss it. How does, say $100 a head sound? After all, this is a Lifetime Subscription to KittyFics(TM). Credit cards and bank transactions only. PayPal is for luzers.
That was sarcasm. Well, not the paypal bit, but the Pay-2-Read bit. Last thing I need is some noobie thinking I MEANT that and then whining in my ear about how zomg bitchy I am and how I am not that speshul that I can *gasp* charge for fan fiction.
If I thought I could make money off of this? I wouldn't write it as fan fiction, sugar.
Look, I don't know why I have so many readers. But sometimes I wish I didn't. Maybe then these... people... would have passed me by.The good part of fandom I owe an enormous debt for helping me gain the confidence to weave an entire story and for helping me explore different methods, but the entitled ones are the ones that suck the joy right back out of sharing that writing.
The worst bit is that most of them don't realize just how spoiled and demanding they come across. They're always like "It was tongue-in-cheek!" if called on it, but we all know that in at least 90% of the cases it wasn't. They just get shocked that their childlike demands actually offend and then they get defensive. One or two or three hundred may go unnoticed but I have had it up to HERE by now.
Thank you for listening.
I would have rewarded your reading dedication with a Kupo pic but botophucket seems to be down. Too bad.
TL;DR: Two weeks is NOT a long wait for a chapter. Pissing the author off will not lessen the wait but may actually lengthen it indefinitely. Why the fuck do you want updates anyway if you hate the story enough to dictate how it rather should go?