Life has an awful lot of baby in it lately...

Jun 15, 2009 08:11

I felt like posting something. Let's see if I think of something to say.

If I can't, I'll just spam. Yay? ;D

When I promised to post that drabble to my comm I totally lied. I'll get around to it eventually. But tbh, I ended up not liking it post submitting it. XD I'll get over it sometime.

Been sort of sick. And tired. And then sick again. I don't think it's over, but at least I've been able to do a little the past few days (who am I kidding? I have been AWESOME SUPER MOM! And I'm modest about it too!). Although posting Bracelet updates is beginning to not be worth it, LEMME TELL YA! No, people are not mean to me. I'm beginning to believe I'm immune to that particular thing by now. No, it's the sheer FIGHT to get the time to make it work and then the FIGHT to make Word / FFnet / LJ / Life / Baby / Whatever cooperate with me long enough to MAKE IT HAPPEN! Seriously, last time took me two days straight AFTER I began doing final edits to get it out.

No, really, it is SO not nice when I'm one look-through and three clicks away from posting (after I WAS ready the day before but ffnet's doc manager went DOWN and there was no back-clicking so I had to do the A/N and preview over) that the baby decides to poop all over the place. A warning to all you childless people: Anyone who claims that a baby wearing clothes and a diaper could not possibly shit himself up to his neck is either lying or hopelessly naïve!

So, suddenly, I have to abort the mission in order to undress him, preferably without smearing stuff everywhere and, strangely enough, I feel a sudden urge to give Kupo a bath and start a load of laundry.

Posting really is exhausting (yes, all that happened PURELY because I was posting! I'm sure of it!)

I got a new phone. It's really shiny. It's an HTC Touch Diamond 2. I'm usually a Nokia girl, but they don't have any sensible phones on the market that do what I want (basically, I'm used to a big touch screen and I want it to read e-books, dammit!!) and so I got this one. So far I'm very pleased with it, although I'm not that happy with 3. They suck at giving you proper information and their sales people are PUSHY and overbearing. I HATE that! I had ordered the phone but asked them for help downtown with moving my number and then they tried to make me get the phone there instead. Ok, I saw no harm in that. But then they didn't have this one in stock and they were really pushy in trying to sell me a "newer" and "better" phone THAT COULDN'T DO WHAT I WANT!!! Why the FUCK do I have to explain to them why I want a certain model??? Grrr. How many people just walk in and blindly spend $400+ without even a bit of research? Don't answer that, probably too many, but I still resent being told what to buy!

And, yeah, looked at the iPhone and Do Not Want. If you jailbreak it, your guarantee is void and if you don't, Apple owns your soul. No, thank you. I want something as simple as being able to browse the damn files on my gadgets, kkthxbai! (also the subscriptions you have to get to get an iPhone around here are WAY too expensive considering that I almost only use my phone for communicating with Maz when one of us is out, texting my mom and browsing using mobile web when I'm out and bored... which happens like once every three months or so.)

Anyway, we were debating whether we could afford getting me that just yet and finally we did order it, which was sort of fortunate, considering that a couple of days later my old phone finally kicked it and now it won't even turn on anymore. R.I.P. 7710. You were a faithful companion.

Kupo can eat bread now. (yes, I jump back and forth in topics.) In Denmark we eat this dark rye bread for lunch as standard and he can eat that with a bit of a sort of spicy liver pâté also indigenous to Denmark that makes it look sort of like this. Not so yummy-looking, but it tastes all right. And my boy can already eat it. :-O

I told the daycare woman (let's call her D from now on...) that he could do this but that I wasn't too thrilled about him getting it every day. He is seven months old; his kidneys won't really be able to handle salt for another month or so according to the experts. There's salt in both the bread and the pâté. If he needs to chew on something I'd rather boil him a carrot or something.

I told you that "daycare" around here is one woman in her own home, right? The institution thing is a "nursery". You get to decide which kind you prefer for yourself, both have ups and downs that go something like:
Daycare ups: It's personal--one woman in her home; guaranteed attention for all kids; they'll go feed ducks/horses / to a playground / whatever fits the weather that day or they can bake or whatever is suitable for the age of the kids present (6 months - 3 years) without any greater planning needed; you know exactly who takes care of your kid; she feeds him both breakfast and lunch if you ask her to; you can always negotiate times for drop-offs and pick-ups if something comes up.
Daycare downs: If she's sick your kid has to go somewhere where he doesn't necessarily know the woman, the surroundings or the other kids very well; less overall socialization with kids his own age.
Nursery ups: More kids to socialize with; more adults present so it won't matter if one of the staff is sick, he'll always be in the same familiar surroundings with the same playmates.
Nursery downs: If your kid is older / self-sufficient he can easily be ignored by the staff; greater risk of catching something; you have to make him a lunch pack cuz they don't serve food there; less spontaneity.

So, anyway, we picked a daycare. Cuz, frankly, I signed up for whatever was close and we took what was offered, but I'd have picked it anyway, I think. I mean once a week they go for playgroup with the other daycare women and children in the area so he does get to meet other kids and if D gets sick and he has to spend a few days with someone else from the group, he'll be all right. He spent all of last week out (D had back pains :() and was perfectly happy!

SO, anyway, the rules regarding daycare are: One woman may have up to 4 kids plus 1 "guest" kid from another woman that's sick that day (they're all women, that's just how it is... damn sexist if you ask me. Oh, well.) That's up to FIVE kids which D thinks is way too much for one person, especially if they are very young. But, yeah, that's the rules.

Then this morning she very happily told me that a little girl that had to leave because she has an immunity deficiency (D: that story made me sad) had been cleared to come back under special rules. There's another girl in daycare here and their mothers are cousins so she's already exposed to her and then she'll be exposed to Kupo and become used to him and D will NOT have to take on a fourth kid but the girl will count as two normal kids. D will also not be "allowed" to take on any "guests" (don't even think they even get paid extra for those lol), not even if the sick girl isn't there that day. So some days it'll just be him and one other girl and then, of course, there's the weekly playgroup where that other girl won't ever come for natural reasons but they'll meet other kids. "It's luxury for you guys!" she excitedly told a very sleepy Kupo. XD (I also think she's happy to have that other kid back cuz she seemed to really miss her.)

Course, this also means that Kupo will be surrounded by girls all day. D also has two daughters that seem to adore playing with the babies whenever they're not at school. XD (she also has a son but he's, like, 15, and how many 15-year-old boys do you know that coo over babies? XD)

Kupo is a seven-month-old Casanova, I swear. He's certainly adored.

Before you ask: No, I don't think I have any new pics of Kupo right now. Well, maybe I do technically, but I prefer to post pictures that I JUST took and I didn't take any recently. Maybe Maz did but he's asleep. Next time. Maybe. ;P

And now you're all bored. :D

We're going to Germany next month. Berlin. 9th through 28th. We even have the tickets. It still hasn't really registered in my brain. No, we're not rich. Maz's parents have an apartment there (third floor--fourth floor to you Americans--no elevator. Oh, joy XD), so we'll live there for free as the spoiled brats we are and apparently common groceries are cheaper in Berlin than where we live, so the only real expense we'll have is the trip and whatever we want to do. We're boring, so we probably want to go to museums and stuff. :D

Any Berliners wanting to show us anything fun? XD

Oh, and there's internet and stuff. No worries. Not that you'd really notice me being gone with all the gone I've been lately. XD

Have to get Kupo a passport before we leave, though. How stupid is that? In the Old Days babies and young children were written into their parents' passports. Now he needs his own. At 8 months. With a real passport pic. And it'll be valid for 2 years. Yeah, cuz, you know, he won't change at ALL in 2 years. O.o

Oh, and I ♥ little_dollface. It just had to be said. She's making me some very shiny stuff and I can't WAIT for her to be done so I can show it off and then do my "MINE! MINE! AAAALLLL MINE! MWAHAHAHA!" thing.

Ficcing-wise: don't worry. I haven't had that much time to write where I have had the energy to actually go over it and correct the worst mistakes, but the well isn't running dry just yet. Not at all. I'm not that easily gotten rid off. I'm like a cockroach. Nuke me and I'll still be writing. You might as well get used to it.

I'm sure there's stuff I ought to have mentioned that I didn't. But, seriously, enough is enough. XD

Until next time.

Hey, at least I didn't mention every single baby thing I bought since last I did a post...

Sorry if my cuts aren't enough and you still have to scroll.

kupo, health, life, ficcing, gadget

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