Haven't posted in forever, I know. There's just been a bunch of... stuff, and I haven't had the energy to put it all down. Well, except I twitter a lot, but that's easy.
Hrm, first off: Yay! Beat my FUCKED UP HARD SCENE and now have a whooping three more chapters that I just need to look over before I send to betas. That means I've written up to and including chapter 79 at this point. Go me!
No, I'm not likely to update much faster for that reason, but I'll get back to that later.
Gained another stalker fan.
unclefullbeard. He has hopefully not read any of my fics, considering that they are rated 25+ (no, not a typo), but he apparently loves my rants.
And he's
mazvn's little brother and in DIRE need of a girlfriend. I don't think that icon he's using in here will help him achieve that, though. O.o
(Oh, and it is my mission in life to make him as acutely uncomfortable reading this as I possibly can.)
He even made a community called
unclebeardless to fanboi my rants. Good luck with that, kid. Nnnnot sure what you plan to achieve with that. XD
Anyhoo, slowing updates? Not so much due to RL as writer's block. And that isn't as much due to lack of inspiration as due to lack of want. Someone (who I shall not name in here) pretty much accused me of dragging out Bracelet to review whore.
Because I do not cringe whenever I see I got a review. Because I do not get at least a couple of FUCKTARDS every single time completely ruining my enjoyment with their rude and entitled bitching.
Also? Wake up and smell the fucking fandom. Chapter 749 of Bracelet (lol, oh, my own personal nightmare RIGHT THERE) won't get a fraction of the reviews that, say, chapter one of the Silencio sequel or any old smutty fic I write will get.
But guess what? There are still a ton of people that like this fic or has the class to just close the window and go away as soon as they don't. It's not constructive to say "this sucks, wrap it up and move on" and I sincerely hope that anyone that is so rude will have someone needlessly hurt them over something that's close to their heart. "Your baby is damn fugly" comes to mind.
Never said I was the bigger person and I'm TIRED of trying to be fucking sweet and nice to people just to have them say that I'm still bitchy. Apparently this A/N was hostile:
Time flies when you're having... writer's block and babies. And buying new gadgets so you can more easily write everywhere. MSI Wind U100 = yummy!
I appreciate all of your praise, thoughts and con-crit and I want to thank you for it! But to those of you concerned about the length: You can't make me end it or draw it out, so unless you just want to upset me? Let's just agree to disagree. Also, remember, it seems longer because of the wait between updates. Maybe take a break from the story and try again once it has a bigger "buffer" for you to consume. Or, if it's simply not your thing anymore, I won't get mad at you for not reading, but you don't really have to tell me if you stop. I don't expect anyone to love everything I write.
I don't have an estimate of chapters (due to them being divided on word count rather than content), but it's progressing. Currently writing a really difficult scene. Difficulty = importance in this fic, and I've been wrestling this scene for, oh, more than a month now...
I now have Twitter, because I am sheep. If you follow AkashaTheKitty, you can see how scatterbrained I am... in real time! XD
To anyone thinking that's hostile? Fuck you. FUCK YOU! I'm so sick and tired of not being able to say anything without people getting offended! It's like...
"Love your story!"
"Thanks. :)"
(that was hypothetical, but I feel like that sometimes)
So, let me just repeat myself: Fuck you.
It's so stupid that a few people can have that effect, but it's a few different someones each time, and you know what? I'm sick of being nice and polite so I won't turn off other readers. If you're turned off? GOODBYE AND GOOD RIDDANCE! I've worked on this fucking fic for almost a year and a half, I don't FUCKING need to suck up to people on the side. If you like it, fine, if you don't, ALSO FINE! JUST GO READ SOMETHING ELSE!
From now on I don't officially fucking CARE if people have something negative to say. I'll share, sure, would be weird to stop now, but this is my fic and if you don't like it? Just GTFO already. Period.
You can tell me that people like that just suck and pat my back etc, but the fact of the matter is that it's not always completely random people. Sometimes it's someone I expected BETTER from.
And let me just reiterate, since people LOVE misinterpreting anything I say and I have to be ultra careful and nice and covering all my bases: Rude ass motherfuckers ≠ offerers of con-crit. I love my con-crit. You know who I adore?
What? You think
margotlefaye would stand for a circle jerk? *gigglesnort* (not that the rest of you would, but, come on...
Hell, I think that she even once very nicely told me I was a brat. (she might deny this)
mazvn... he's most definitely the first to annoy me with not getting a paragraph or telling me that a scene needs more boobies.
So, anyway, in short? *points at assorted cussing* This applies to you if you've only just realized that you do not like my soap fic the way it's been for 200,000 words and insist on trying to make me do it your way.
That... sort of helped. I feel better. Like, after a sneeze or something. A very violent sneeze.
Let's move on to chit-chat.
So, as you probably know, I bought the MSI Wind U100 and it is LOVELY. Not a gamer computer, obviously, but that's not what it's for. If you want to hear about a downside to it, it's the sound. Worst canned sound I heard on a laptop yet. But, honestly, if I'm out where I'll need it for music/movies, I'll use headphones anyway.
And even then I'm more likely to use my iPod Touch for it. Just figured out how to convert stuff to iPod format and put it on it. I have Disney's Beauty and the Beast (!! HEEH!), Nightmare Before Christmas, all of Firefly + Serenity (fucking good quality too!) and Supernatural Season 1 on it. Never watched Supernatural, but now I can if I'm bored somewhere. Between that and 400 mp3s plus some appliances and games, I still have more than 18GB free. I love my gadget.
Guh, I have SO MANY plot bunnies. It's so frustrating. There's no way I can do all of them, no matter how fast I type. It's weird. I used to not be sure I could think of more than one story... ha... ha? O.o
Oh, and those of you that do not have my twit-spam,
here are some recent cam-pics of Kupo and his fugly mum. They can be clicked bigger.
I'm going away now. Oh, God, Paradise Island is on. The stupid! It burns!