survey stolen from chris

Apr 25, 2004 14:48

1. Ever been so drunk you blacked out? define "blacked out" lol...
2. Have you ever cheated when playing a card game? probably lol
3. Put a part of your body on fire for amusement? no, but someone has lit my socks on fire before
4. Biggest fear in life? being alone
5. Kept a secret from everyone? yes
6. Have an imaginary friend when you were young? no, i talked to my stuffed animals
7. Wanted to hook up with a friend? sort of
8. Had a crush on a teacher? no
9. Ever thought an animated character was hot? hahaha yeah
10. Had a New Kids On the Block tape? hell no, i hated them
11. What was the last new movie you saw? kill bill vol. 1
12. What are you wearing now? black pants and my tool hoodie
13. Hair Is: blonde and dirty
14. What are you Eating? frosted flakes
15. Drinking? diet pepsi
16. Thinking about? when matt is going to call me
17. Talking to? kim
18. Cheated on someone you love? nope
19. Got high? yes

--------THE LAST 72 HOURS--------
1. Cried? almost
2. Worn a Skirt? yes i have actually
3. Met Someone New? no
4. Cleaned A Room? hahaha no
5. Done laundry? nope
6. Drove a Car? yes
7. Committed an act of road rage? haha yes

------DO YOU BELIEVE IN-------
1. Yourself? no
2. Your friends? yes
3. marriage? yes
4. Tooth Fairy? not anymore
5. Destiny/Fate? in a way
6. Angels? maybe
7. Ghosts? yes
8. UFO's? i'm not sure

1. Who have you known the longest of your friends? ryan
2. Who's the loudest of your friends? we can all be loud lol
3. Who do you go to for advice? whoever i trust
4. Who do you cry to? i don't cry in front of people
5. Worst feeling? i'll agree with chris, when something bad happens to people and you can't do anything about it
6. Who will respond to this the fastest? i don't know
7. Who did you send this to that will not reply? right...
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