Mickaboo Companion Bird Rescue needs help!

Aug 08, 2008 12:04

For those of you that know me, I volunteer with a bird rescue agency called Mickaboo Companion Bird Rescue. They take in sick and injured parrots in the SF Bay Area, pay for their medical care, and find foster/adoptive homes for the little guys. They're the reason I've been able to provide the specialized care I have been able to give to the members of the Wild Parrot flock in San Francisco.

Right now, Mickaboo is in crisis. The economy is making things so tough for everybody that Mickaboo is struggling. We not only can barely keep up with our bills as donations have dropped, but so many people are losing their homes that shelters are flooded with animals and we're completely out of foster homes. Our volunteers are under such stress due to meeting their own personal financial needs as well as being unable to keep up with incoming birds that some are having to quit.

Please help. If you can donate even a tiny amount, it would mean all the difference in the world. Better yet, if you've ever been interested in having a bird as a pet, join Mickaboo and become a foster parent and take in a needy bird.

Click on the Donate button on the left side of the page and help a needy animal today. Thank you!

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