Welcome to my journal!

Jan 11, 2004 19:49

At last I'm writing this entry for everyone. So if you've stumbled over my journal, it's friends only. Beware that I tend to ramble about my RL in this journal a LOT, but I'm also into fandoms such as Due South (see the banner), Slings and Arrows, Dexter, Supernatural, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Stargate, Firefly, Harry Potter, Queer as Folk, Secret Diary of a Callgirl, Buffy, Angel, Boondock Saints and many, many more.

Most of the fandoms I have to thank roadrunner1896 for, who introduced me to those and who also made these two wonderful banners for me and I can't decide on just one, which is why I post both at once.

So if by chance you stumble over my journal and would like to friend me, then just leave a comment and tell me why! ;-)