A few months ago when we went to the Year Zero listening party at St. Andrews we were fortunate to be able to witness the filming of a music video for a super cool awesome rap song called Cold Steel by the super cool awesome rap group The Cardi Boys! (*sarcasm*)
Anyway, it was very amusing to me, and most (if not all) of the people in line in front of St. Andrews. We were told that a video was going to be shot and to please be quiet. Yeah, NIN fans always follow the directions. I couldn't stop laughing the entire time. I was also out on the sidewalk bustin' a move for the majority of it.
There was only one camera and their sound source was a car stereo. The lucky play button pusher of the car stereo was this ghettoed out white boy who sort of looked like Jamie Kennedy when he is dressed all ghetto. I couldn't even tell how many people were in this rap group because they had their entire posse there for the video, including someone's kid, a girl of about 10 just out of school in her Catholic school uniform with a backpack eating french fries out of a bag. She looked totally stoned for some reason and I'm not even sure if she knew what the hell was going on around her. The posse all got on the cement stairs up to the door of St. Andrews and basically bopped along to the song coming from the car stereo. The little girl was on the stairs too but didn't bop just continued to eat her fries. Some of the posse was singing "oatmeal" along to the song when the lyrics were "cold steel". That started some of the NIN fans singing along too.... It was awesome.
Anyway, the reason for this blog is because last night some commercial said something about cold hard steel and it reminded me of this. I had tried to look it up a few weeks after we saw the shoot but the video wasn't done yet.
I am pleased to present: OATMEAL!!!! (uh, I mean Cold Steel...)
P.S. All of the hardcore rap dudes were super short!
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I'm sooo jealous I wasn't there.
Posted by erNIN on Saturday, June 02, 2007 - 10:30 PM
I'm amazed from what you said I was expecting way worse, the video didn't look so ghetto as I thought and I think I saw you dancing in the background, hahahaha, j/k ;)
Posted by hugs on Saturday, June 02, 2007 - 10:57 PM
Yes, I agree that it looks way better than I thought it would! The wonders of a good editor...
Posted by Danielle [Akasha] on Saturday, June 02, 2007 - 11:46 PM
The kid actually looked like a young Adam Sandler in a light blue sweat suit.
Posted by on Saturday, June 02, 2007 - 11:12 PM
I thought he was dressed all in white?
Posted by Danielle [Akasha] on Saturday, June 02, 2007 - 11:46 PM