Google Image Survey

Jan 11, 2008 21:10

I really liked this so I decided to blog it in addition to my bulletin.  Hopefully the image links won't go away...

- go to Google Images
- search for your answer
- pick one image from the first page
- post (put in photobucket or insert HTML image tags)

1. The age you will be on your next birthday:

2. A place you'd like to travel:

3. Your favorite place:

4. Your favorite object:

5. Your favorite food:

6. Your favorite animal:

7. Your favorite color:

8. The town in which you were born:

9. The town in which you live:

10. The name of a past pet:

11. Your favorite movie:

12. Your favorite musician / band:

13. Your nickname/screenname:

14. Your first name:

15. Your middle name:

16. Your last name

17. A bad habit of yours:

18. Your first job:

19. Your grandmother's name:

20. Your major in college:


P.S.  I helped Orion make two batches of fudge for tomorrow's game night and now my house totally smells like fudge and it is kinda making me nauseous....  well a lot of things have been making me feel nauseous ever since I got that lovely norovirus last month *shudder*.


Hee hee penis tower!

Posted by erNIN on Friday, January 11, 2008 - 9:39 PM


wow that is really cool, a lot of them were right, right? how does google know that shit, hmmmm I am all confused now :)

Posted by hugs on Sunday, January 13, 2008 - 2:25 PM


That is sweet.
I am going to do it too.

Posted by Robbie on Monday, January 14, 2008 - 2:41 PM
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