Jul 02, 2005 16:04
I am pleased that my friend Christine went home from the hospital Thursday. She is recovering from viral meningitis. She had a migraine all last week and then last Friday, she experienced numbness down one side of her body and couldn't talk. Once in the ER, she started feeling a bit better. The CAT Scan and MRIs didn't find anything. She went home Saturday night and was returned to the hospital last Sunday for further problems. Another MRI didn't reveal anything so they had to do a spinal tap, which revealed what was wrong all along. The sad thing is, you have to let it run it's course, which is generally 7-10 days. There is not much to treat it with other than pain killers for the headaches and pain. VERY SCARY. I am happy that she is recovering.
I just got back from vacuuming out my car. I scrubbed and rinsed the floor mats and shined the windows, too. After washing and waxing it Thursday, I'd say I've pimped my ride. (I wish I could get that blown speaker fixed soon!)
I am sooooooo looking forward to a fun night out tonight! I've been burning cds and such today. I'm gonna hop in the shower and go pick up $DW$ for some mall time and hopefully something new and cute to wear tonight. Wish me luck in that endeavor!