(no subject)

May 20, 2001 09:38

i feel like starting these entries 'dear diary' sometimes....kinda like in the good old days of paper diary/journals. although, i refuse to keep a paper diary anymore. i can't imagine pouring my heart out and dying and my relatives reading it!!! but i guess i wouldn't care because i'm dead...but whatever. sometimes it's best that people don't learn ALL your secrets, even in death. ok, that started out on a pleasant note....movin on.

went out last night and saw The Cult. all i have to say is wow! they rule. ian ashbury can sing his ass off. even wearing a skirt...he rules. i was prepared for some serious ass-kicking rock, but had no idea how good it would be. hmmmm....you ever just go to a show and end up in complete amazement?? that seems to happen to me a lot. happened at the U2 concert last weekend. all i could do is stare and soak in the good vibes. what i don't understand is people who go to these smaller shows (like The Cult) and act as if it's some kind of social gathering. i.e. talk to their friends and walk around ignoring the band. look, i can talk to my friends whenever the hell i'd like, and why i'd pay good money to see a band and not 'see' the band is beyond me. maybe i'm just weird, but i'm there to experience the music. it's not a god damn fashion show, nor is it a singles bar! ok, that said.....we did happen to see the band after the show. we were walking down the street passing by their tour bus and they all walked right past. i was like....'hey, isn't that the band?' to my friend. so we stood there and gawked for a good 5 minutes or so. excellent musicians....even for an 80s band! and i did find out iggy pop was playing in some college town not to far from here last night too! i believe someone i know likes him a bit!!! :D now that would have been some show! unfortunately, nobody would have volunteered to go with me to that one! which sucks, cause i would have gone. maybe he would have whipped it out?? nah, that's so 70s. hahaha

i've just realized i need to use more paragraphs. although, i doubt that will happen. this is just a stream of random thoughts. thus, i have no use for paragraphs i guess. why am i talking about this??? good god.

i'm 30 today apparently. uh...it's too early in the morning to really care or make any kind of comment on that. so, i'll ponder that and get back to that later. i am going to a bar-b-que today at my mothers house. that should be a treat. nah, i'm sure it will be fun...she just tends to get on the nerve after a while. like any typical mother, i suppose. maybe i'll have a few drinks today and won't notice it so much. :)

that's my rant and rave for this morning....who knows what i'll come up with next. god, i'm boring. who knew??? :D
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