DWP - fic Lucky Girls 13/15

Mar 17, 2011 16:00

This story was written for Peetsden as a part of the charity auction to benefit the Queensland flood victims.

For further disclaimers see part 1

“Ohhh... nice one, Andy.” Megan eyed the large bouquet of pink roses that had been sent that morning.

“Yeah,” Andy smiled softly at the gesture, “Thanks.” She couldn't tell Megan that these were a congratulations of sorts. After Miranda had read the manuscript for her novel, Andy had gotten one of the most cherished reviews she knew she would ever receive. Miranda had proclaimed the book, “Excellent, as expected.” Then she had gone on to say that there were some things that could be “polished somewhat.” To that end, Andy had spent many a long evening, and weekend, as their schedules allowed, going over the passages. This bouquet was to mark the end of that process. The book was finished, ready, now all she needed to do was convince Miranda not to “help” her find a publisher. That part of the process, she needed to do, alone.


Andy watched Megan scurry away before she closed her eyes and shook her head. Quietly counting to ten, before rising from her desk, she walked into her bellowing editor's office. “Yeah, Chief?”

“Need you to do an interview.”

“Um...” Andy shrugged, “Okay.” She wasn't sure why she'd been summoned into his office for that, or why he hadn't mentioned it during the staff meeting this morning.

“You're gonna have to travel for this one.” He watched her face fall and shook his head. “I know you don't like it... but that accident was months ago, Sachs.” He wiped his face with his palm and tried again. “Look, it's nearly Thanksgiving, and I know you haven't been home to see your parents this year. So go, do the interview, stop in and see your folks, then come back and I'll make you work through Christmas, like a proper Scrooge.”

“I'll do the assignment, Chief.” Andy's eyes and voice hardened, “But there are reasons I haven't seen my parents...”

“Hmm... got anything to do with your flower guy?” He couldn't remember a single day without a delivery since the flowers had began arriving. Sometimes on particular days there would be more than one, but always, always one. Shaking his head, he held up his hand to stop her reply, “No, nevermind, none of my business.”

Andy nodded and kept the topic work related, “So were am I going?”

“Chicago.” He handed her an envelope, “There you go, plane tickets, hotel confirmation.. all that...” He shrugged at her astonished look. “If you didn't do it, someone else would have.”

“Right,” Andy nodded as she looked through the packet. The message was loud and clear, no matter how good you are, Sachs, you're replaceable. Someone else can do your job if I need them to. “Um.. Chief... this plane leaves in three hours.”

“Yep... better get moving.”

Andy sighed, “Yeah... okay.” She walked out of the man's office to gather her things from her desk speaking over her shoulder as she went. “Thanks.” She wasn't sure if she was being sarcastic or not. It was a good assignment. Most reporters here would love to get some travel time in, but Andy could only feel disappointed, she was supposed to go to the townhouse tonight for dinner with Miranda and the twins. It was her turn to pick the movie and she'd picked one of Miranda's favorites. “Dinner and a Movie Nights” were going so well that they had one nearly every week, usually alternating whose place they ended up at, and who got to choose the movie. The evening also normally ended with a long make-out session on the couch, after the twins went to bed. Often they ended up, as they had when they first started dating, curled together in bed, sleeping. It was nice, and comfortable. It was also something that Andy knew was going to change soon. It was becoming more and more difficult to stop at kissing, more and more difficult to hold back from what she wanted so badly. But, Miranda seemed content to keep things the way they were between them. Tonight's dinner was partially their normal routine, but also partially to celebrate the book being finished. Tonight she wasn't sure either of them would have held back anything from the other.

“Ah well,” She slung the strap of her laptop case over her shoulder and sighed as she began to text her apologies to the trio. She wouldn't be gone long, and they could always reschedule the celebration for when she returned tomorrow. The food she could miss, she could eat a meal anywhere, but the company, and the kissing... Andy sighed, just the thought of the kissing made her warm and her hands twitched to fit themselves to Miranda's curves. That part of the evening, Andy knew, she was going to miss terribly.


A doubly huge bouquet of roses greeted her when Andy arrived at work. Having come straight from the airport back to the Mirror offices, Andy was amazed that the flowers had materialized so soon. She had only just texted Miranda as they walked down the gangway into the terminal. She gazed at the flowers and smiled as the scent enveloped her. She couldn't wait to see Miranda. Even though she'd only been gone one night, she hadn't actually seen Miranda in nearly four days. Just the thought of holding her beautiful girlfriend made her arms ache a little. Exhaling slowly, Andy sat down at her desk and got to work, typing up the results of her whirlwind Chicago trip.

She had nearly finished organizing her notes and was just contemplating what to do about lunch when one of her colleagues stopped at her desk.

“Hey, Sachs... you used to work for that big time fashion chick..right?”

Raising her eyebrows, Andy leaned back in her chair, “If you mean Miranda Priestly, yeah, I was her assistant about two years ago. Why, Dave?”

He pointed his thumb over his shoulder toward his office. Dave Peterson didn't have a desk like everyone else, because his job was to listen to the police scanners for anything interesting. It was too distracting to have the scanners constant chatter going on out here in the main offices. “Came over the scanner a few minutes ago. Lincoln Towncar registered to Miranda Priestly was involved in an accident.”

Andy paled, “What?”

“Yeah,” He nodded, “Weird thing though... they didn't mention her in the EMT conversation...”

“EMT?” Andy closed her laptop as she stood, “Who was hurt?”

“Took 'em all to the ER as far as I can tell...driver and two girls in the backseat.” He shook his head, “Didn't sound good for the driver... the kids were unconscious.”

“Oh, God.” Andy gathered her things quickly, hating to take the time, but she needed her laptop and things with her. “Where were they taken?”

“Whoa!... Sachs.. calm down.” He told her what he knew, “Presbyterian... the driver is on route to the Columbia University Medical Center. The kids are going to the Children's Hospital, on Broadway.”

“Thanks, Dave.” Andy rushed out the door without a backward glance.

He grunted when Andy disappeared from view before the door to the Mirror office had even closed, and shrugged, “You're welcome.”


Andy tried to calm her heart during the agonizingly slow, although it was faster than the main elevators, freight elevator ride to the Runway floor. She had been torn between rushing to the hospital and going to Runway. If Miranda hadn't heard yet, then she would still be at work. If Miranda wasn't at the hospital, going there would be pointless, because no one would let Andy see the girls anyway and Andy knew it. So, she made a choice and ran all the way to the Elias-Clarke building from the Mirror offices and the quick intense conversation with the security guard on the loading dock had done nothing to slow her pounding heart. He had been there for a long time though, and knew her from her days as Miranda's assistant. She'd often used the loading dock and freight elevators to shave time off her Starbucks runs. He had benefited from that when she would also bring him a hot cup of coffee too. She didn't even look back as she exited the elevator, the guard had promised her that he would hold the elevator on seventeen until they pressed the button to return to the lobby. He also promised to get a taxi to wait for her return with Miranda. Andy grabbed the first lackey she saw by the collar and pointed to the open elevator. “Miranda is coming, do not let anyone else on that elevator. Do you understand?” When he nodded frantically, she released him and practically ran down the corridors to Miranda's office.

Her near run down the corridors didn't go unnoticed but only one person had any sort of stake in the strange woman heedlessly zipping through their workplace. Andy found herself blocked by a very determined redhead.

“Andrea,” Emily held up her hands, “What is it you think you're doing?”

“Get out of my way, Em.” Andy tried to push past, but Emily was just as determined to keep Andrea away from Miranda's office as Andy was to get there. “You don't understand.”

“Explain it to me then.”

“No time, Em...” Andy roughly pushed past, calling, “I'm sorry.” over her shoulder as she continued on her way.

“Andrea! Wait!” Emily took off, hot on her former co-worker's heels.


Isabel was at her desk just beginning to work out Miranda's schedule for the week when a scruffily dressed woman burst into the office and issued orders to Ashley.

“Miranda's coat and purse...now!”

“Whoa!” Before Isabel could stop her, the vaguely familiar woman had walked quickly between the assistant's desk and into Miranda's office. Isabel rushed in a few seconds behind, apologizing profusely only semi-aware that Emily, the real one, was now in the office too.

“Miranda.. I'm so sorry.. she burst right in...” The expression on Miranda's face stopped any further comment. Isabel didn't leave her boss's office, but she didn't say anything else and merely stood back to wait for Miranda to give this newcomer the famous Miranda Priestly dressing down. She glanced over to see a smirk on Emily's face as well.

“Andrea, what brings you here?”

“Miranda...” Andy paused to catch her breath, wondering how to break the news, that Miranda obviously hadn't heard yet, “I...” she shook her head, “I'm sorry, I know this is going to mess things up... but, the girls...”

“What about the girls?” Miranda stood quickly, leaving her desk as it was, “What has happened?”

Andy moved to embrace her girlfriend and spoke gently, “Miranda, there's been an accident.”

Miranda's normally porcelain skin paled even further and she dropped back into her chair, “What? When?! What happened?”

“It came over the police scanner about ten minutes ago... I don't know how long ago the accident happened.” Andy knelt next to Miranda's knee and continued, “The girls are being transported to Presbyterian Children's Hospital... “ She urged Miranda to get up, “Sweetheart, we need to go.”

“Yes...” Miranda nodded, “Of course.”

Andy helped Miranda stand and slid her arm around the woman's slim waist to support her. “The elevator is waiting, and there's a car downstairs waiting.” Andy couldn't stand it any more and kissed Miranda's temple, “C'mon Sweetheart, the girls need us.”

Isabel was frozen to the spot, unable to comprehend the sudden transformation of her Snow Queen boss into an, almost broken, concerned mother. She heard Emily softly utter, “Bloody Hell.” and understood that 'Arthur' was not who sent Miranda the romantic postcard, this 'Andrea' was obviously the sender. Now Isabel recognized the young woman as the flower delivery person and gasped as she realized who, exactly Andrea was. The Wonder Woman assistant!

But that was all beside the point now, Miranda's children had been hurt. Most people only knew the children to be holy terrors, but anyone who had ever been Miranda's assistant knew, Miranda loved her girls unconditionally. If something were to happen to them, the Dragon would wake and wreak havoc on everything in her path. Both Isabel and the 'real' Emily stood motionless as they watched Miranda, supported by the much younger woman, leave to go to the hospital.

Ashley, on the other hand, had simply done what she was told and had Miranda's coat and purse readily available as the brunette led Miranda out of her office. Miranda only blinked at the offered things so Andy took them. They continued to walk and Andy nodded at the girl calling over her shoulder. “Thanks.”


The ride in the elevator and the drive to the hospital were quiet, Andy simply held Miranda's hand. She didn't really have much choice. She'd tried once as the elevator reached the loading dock to disconnect their hands and Miranda wouldn't let go. Now they were at the hospital and Miranda still didn't seem willing to release her hand. Andy led her to the information desk.

“Um... Caroline and Cassidy Priestly?”

The receptionist consulted her computer and shook her head, “I don't seem to find anyone by that name.”

Miranda's hand tightened painfully around hers. Andy squeezed back slightly and asked again, “Um, they were just brought in... car accident. Twin girls...”

“Oh!” She reached for the phone and informed the person on the other end that the accident victims' mother had arrived. She nodded into the phone and spoke as she replaced the handset, “Someone will be with you in a moment.”


Andy turned immediately to Miranda, this was the first time Miranda had spoken since they'd left her office. “Yes?”

“I need to sit down.”

“Of course,” Andy spotted a small waiting area surrounding a large aquarium and led Miranda there. They settled on the small couch as Andy scanned Miranda's face. “Would you like me to get you a drink or something... some water?”

“No!” Miranda reached out to hold Andy's hand with both of hers, “Don't leave me.”

“Shhhh...” Shifting closer, Andy wrapped her free arm around Miranda's shoulders and assured her girlfriend, “I'm not going anywhere.”

“Ms. Priestly?”

Miranda and Andy looked up to see a clean cut young man in a white lab coat. Miranda answered, “Yes?”

“Would you come with me, please?”

Standing, Miranda pulled Andrea up with her and began to follow the young man.

“Um just, family...”

Miranda cut him off, “Andrea is family.” She glared at the boy and spoke in a tone that left no room for argument, “I wish to see my children, now.”

Nodding, he backed up a few steps and gestured down the wide corridor, “This way.”

Andy watched Miranda and knew that although she appeared to be almost calm, Miranda was a wreck on the inside. The steel grip on her hand was the proof, as well as the tell-tale shining in those awesome blue eyes. She wanted to reassure Miranda that everything would be fine, but held her tongue. There had most likely been more than one person telling Miranda that, 'everything would be fine' when her parents and brother were in the accident too.

They were led to a bed in the ER that held a long, but still small form. A nurse was checking the machines, and smiled when they arrived. She leaned down to speak to her patient, “Caroline... your Mom is here.”

Miranda made a tiny noise and Andy knew why. She immediately corrected the nurse. “This is Cassidy.”

“Oh!” The nurse was horrified, “We finally found their purses, but their ID pictures are so similar...and they're both unconscious...”

Releasing Andrea's hand for the first time since they'd been in her office, Miranda moved to Cassidy's side, sitting in a chair that had been positioned there. “How is she?”

Andy pinched her own lips together and willed herself not to cry as Miranda gently slid her hand under Cassidy's.

“I'd rather let the doctor talk to you about that, but x-rays showed no broken bones. She's unconscious, so she can't tell us if she has any pain at all. The MRI scans came back good though, no brain injuries and no sign of internal bleeding.”

Miranda's impatience broke through her fear, “Then why are they still unconscious?”

“It happens sometimes. People black out from the trauma.” The nurse took a deep breath, “They should wake up soon, but they probably won't remember the accident.”

Miranda nodded, her eyes never leaving Cassidy's face. “Where is Caroline?”

“It's her turn with the MRI machine.” The nurse indicated a fairly large empty space in the room, “They'll bring her back here. We thought it was best to keep them together.”

“Thank you.” Andy moved to stand next to Miranda. She rubbed the middle of Miranda's back gently. “Should we call their father?”

“Yes,” Miranda nodded, “James' number is in my phone.”

“Okay,” Taking the purse, Andy found Miranda's phone and tentatively held it out, “Do you want to speak with him.”

“No...” Frightened blue eyes looked up as Miranda nearly pleaded with her girlfriend, “Will you do it?”

“Of course,” Andy stepped away so as not to disturb Miranda and Cassidy. With a deep breath, she went over the wording in her head and placed the call.


They had moved the girls to a regular room by the time James arrived. Neither one had woken up yet, but all their vital signs were good and they were breathing on their own. The doctor went through all the test results again. The MRI's hadn't shown any irregularities, no broken bones, only a few visible minor cuts and bruises. Now all they could do was wait for the twins to wake up.

Andy tried not to be jealous as James laid a supporting hand on Miranda's shoulder. When he had arrived she'd been sitting with Cassidy while Miranda had held Caroline's hand. As soon as James had entered the room, Andy had moved to the couch in the corner and pretended to work on her laptop, giving the girls' parents as much privacy as she could without actually leaving the room. She tried to keep from looking at the tall man, but as soon as she checked the monitor's numbers she would invariably find herself staring at James. This man, this graying at the temples, distinguished looking, handsome, well dressed man was a person Miranda had, lived with, been with, loved enough to create two beautiful children with. It was too much to take, too much to think about and Andy needed to get away, just for a little while. They had been at the hospital for four hours and since James was there, Andy decided it was time for her to take a break. She slowly moved to Miranda's side and kneeled down next to the chair, speaking quietly.

“Miranda, you've been here for hours... Can I get you something to eat or drink?”

“No.” Miranda kept her eyes on Caroline's face. “I'm fine...”

Andy sighed, “Sweetheart, you need to eat...you missed lunch...” She saw Miranda's jaw set into a stubborn line and changed tactics, “Should I go get you some coffee?” That suggestion garnered a grateful glance and Andy nodded, “I'll bring you some coffee.” She resisted the urge to kiss the top of Miranda's head and turned to James as she stood. “Can I bring you anything?”

“No.” James tilted his head in a sort of grateful gesture as he evaluated the exchange he'd just witnessed, “Thanks.”

“Okay...” Andy gently patted Miranda's back, “I'll be right back...” She could feel James' eyes on her as she left the room.


The room was silent, the only sounds were the rhythmic beeping from the machines. James brushed a bit of hair away from his daughter's shoulder then spoke quietly, “Mira...” He waited for his ex-wife to look at him, “Trade?”

Miranda glanced at Caroline, then nodded and wordlessly traded places with James. She slid her hand into Cassidy's and the silence resumed as he took his place next to Caroline. The peace only lasted a moment before he spoke again.


“Yes?” Miranda knew what he was about to ask.

“That girl...” He glanced toward the door, “She isn't your assistant, is she?”

“She's hardly a girl...” Miranda smiled softly, “and no, she is not my assistant.”

“Do you love her?”

“Now is not the time for this discussion, James.” Dropping her head to rest her cheek on Cassidy's hand, Miranda closed her eyes. The rhythmic beeping of the monitors was almost soothing and she spent a long time listening to the sound. Miranda finally sat up and she took a deep breath before speaking, almost in a whisper.


James looked up at his ex-wife, slightly confused. “What?”

Defiant blue eyes pinned him and Miranda spoke slightly louder, enunciating each word clearly, “I love her.”

James knew his ex-wife quite well, from the interaction he'd seen and the tone of her voice now, the reluctance to admit her feelings. “You haven't told her that though...”

“No.” Miranda's voice was a whisper almost taken by the beeping machines, “I haven't.”

Nodding, he processed that information then glanced at their children. “Then tell her, because you never know what's going to happen.” He met her eyes and repeated, “Tell her, before you miss your chance.”

“James...” Miranda shook her head, “This is not the time.”

“You aren't wrong very often, Mira.” The corner of his mouth was pulled into a wry smile, “But when you are, it's certainly a doozy.”


Andy walked down the hall and stopped short when it widened into a waiting area. It was full of people, but four of them were familiar to her. They all stood when they saw her.

“What's the word, Six?” Nigel saw how tense Andy was and braced for the worst.

“They're both unconscious, but the doctors can't seem to find anything wrong with them. No broken bones, no internal bleeding, no damage to their skulls.” Andy sighed, “Now we just wait.” She gestured behind her with her thumb, “Miranda and their father are with them.”

Isabel stepped forward, “Um... is there... I mean, what should I... do?” This was outside her experience as assistant, this was firmly in the 'personal' category of Miranda's life. Andy's answer reassured her greatly.

“Your job.” Andy glanced at Nigel, Emily and Serena, “Make sure Miranda isn't bothered with the tedium of the day. Send it to Nigel, or Em, or Serena when appropriate... I'm sure the girls are going to wake up soon and Miranda can get back to Runway after that, but for now... just handle things until she gets back.”

“Of course,” Emily nodded and leaned against Serena, “We can do that.”

“Naturally,” Serena nodded, “We will do anything it takes to help Miranda in this troubling time.”

Andy smiled, “Thanks guys.” Chuckling a bit at the irony of it, Andy motioned toward the elevators, “I'm just going to get some coffee...” She grinned a little wider at Emily's scoff. “Yeah, I know right? Still bringing her coffee.”

“You get better benefits now.” Serena smirked at the blush that crept up Andy's neck.

“Why you!?” Emily gritted her teeth, she had promised herself not to get into this, not here, but, she just couldn't help it, “You of all people!”

“Luck, Fate, Karma... I dunno, Em.” Andy sighed and began to walk. She continued talking as the others followed her, “You would have to ask Miranda to know for sure.” Andy knew full well that Emily wasn't going to ask Miranda anything.

They parted ways in front of the cafeteria. Nigel even gave her a hug telling her to assure Miranda that Runway was taken care of until her return. Isabel did not hug her, but Andy was fine with that, she didn't know the woman. Emily didn't hug her either which was actually expected, but still didn't make it hurt any less. Serena gave her a quick embrace, informing her that if she needed anything to merely call them and it would be there as soon as they could manage it.

Part 14:

dwp, mirandy, fic, lucky girls

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