Wheeeeeere's Eve?

May 19, 2010 14:57

Eve is in Illinois! Last weekend was Anime Central, where tokoz, impatient_cat and I spent the weekend at a booth in the Artists Alley selling our craftwork! Tokoz sold her handmade foam costume wings, which were awesome; Cat sold breathtaking felted wool plushies; and I sold cosplay costumes I sewed for Build-A-Bears. I only sold two, but I had a lot of people come over to say they were adorable, and a lot of people took business cards, so I hope they'll stop by my Etsy shop (ahem) and maybe I'll get some more orders and/or commissions!

Anyway, we cosplayed and we had fun, and we're planning to do it again next year. Now I'm on to sewing more important things, like ringbearer pillows and bridesmaid dress alterations! (OMGTHEWEDDINGISINAWEEKANDAHALFOMGOMGSOEXCITING)

Now on to today's most important thing. *deep breath* HAPPY BIRTHDAY, shy_violette!!! I'm so glad I get to spend it with you! ♥

One of these days, I swear, I'm going to make a post of screenshots of every time I can vaguely see myself in an episode of something. ^_~ In the meantime, however, here's something that brought a grin to my face. On Monday's How I Met Your Mother, I was totally visible several times, and I watched it with my mommy so she got to see me! ^^ And just to add the icing to the cake, I then went to read the review on The A.V. Club, and for the first time I can remember, the background actors got a shoutout in the review!

"It's the speed of everything around The Wedding Bride -- everything that isn't actually The Wedding Bride -- that keeps the boat making progress toward safe harbor. I chuckled every time there was a cut back to the movie audience reacting in unison: hysterical laughter at the Jed Mosly pratfalls, "awwwwwwww!" at Tony's romantic gestures, and delighted applause when the two leads finally get together (and Mosly gets his comeuppance). And it's because those cuts and those reactions had that zip and pace that kept them from being predictable."

Yes, I realize this is really a compliment to the director, but I choose to read it as a "Well done, background!" anyway. ^_~ Hey, we totally sold that hysterical laughter and those "awwwwww!"s! (Even if, if you watch closely, they were clearly reusing reaction shots.)

Missing home a bit - mostly missing my kitties and my puppy, and also it's a bit weird watching all my shows all by myself on my laptop, instead of with Kaycee and her Fiancé and Chloe in our living room. On the flip side, I'm loving having the time to see people and hang out. There's been sewing and D&D and tonight we're getting together for dinner in ShyVi's honor. ^_^ Also tonight, Older Younger Sister flies in, and on Friday Younger Younger Sister drives in and my aunt returns from her business trip, and it'll be an awesome party weekend!

One last thing: Supernatural season finale? OH. MY. GOD.

conventions, i'll still be a geek, the road to superstardom, our babies, otaku desu, dress-up, getting things done

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