Names Meme, a.k.a. Yes, I realize how cheesy I am

Apr 06, 2008 10:41

1. My username is ______ because ______.
akarui_sekai because I love the Japanese language, and I like those phrases you hear in shoujo anime a lot when someone's about to save the day by sheer force of good will and positive thinking. ^_~ For example, "shinjiru kokoro," the believing heart, which is my e-mail address but wasn't available on LJ at the time. I had trouble finding one that wasn't taken, actually, so I made one up. "Akarui sekai," a bright world, because although I wouldn't claim I never complain in my LJ, I like to think that overall the world is a bright place filled with infinite possibilities (my other e-mail address).

2. My name is _____ because ______.
Genevieve, because my parents couldn't agree between Joanna and Johannah. =P And Eve, because (1) nobody can spell or pronounce 'Genevieve' so there's got to be a nickname, and (2) I've been 'Gen' most of my life, but there are six hundred thousand 'Jen's and so it (2a) is boring/breeds confusion/isn't helpful when called out in public and (2b) just makes it even harder for people to spell my name because it assumes the 'J'. 'Eve' is much cooler. I wish my parents had thought so when I was a kid. =P

3. My journal is titled ____ because ____.
Akarui Sekai also, because I thought the username should be the journal name. Don't remember why.

4. My friends page is called ____ because ____.
Well, Friends, because that's what y'all are!

5. My default userpic is ____ because ____.
This one because I'm an insane fan of the manga team CLAMP, and this character of theirs is an absolutely perfect example of the kind of 'power of the heart' that I was talking about earlier. ^^ She wins everything because she believes in herself and her friends. (At least she does in her original series; the new one isn't over and has gotten awfully dark and twisted, so I can't predict where it's going. I hope someplace happy!) Also, the picture is pretty and has sparkly lights. ^-^

6. My LJ name (you know how you can change that sort of sub-name thing?) is:
Bright World, because not everybody speaks Japanese. =P I'm thoughtful (and boring), so I provided a translation.

I've actually thought about renaming my journal to something that would make sense to more people - or at least be easier to spell. I've thought about it a lot. But I don't know what I'd call it in English that would reflect the fundamental hopefulness, optimism, and sheer CHEESINESS that is me. ^_~ I keep coming back to 'campbellgirl' (which is taken so I'd have to be 'campbellgrl', which is fine because GRL are my initials). But that would require probably even more explanation, for all but two or three of my Friends.

It has to do with soup.

I dunno, I'm not good at naming things. And I don't want to pay for a name change and confuse everyone if I'm just going to decide ten minutes later that it was a bad idea.

Maybe I should be 'noncommittal_girl'. =P

(Edit: You know, 'infinitepossibility' isn't actually taken... *dither dither*)

in my head, otaku desu, meme

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